A Glimpse Into The Past

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Footsteps echoed in the empty aisle of an apartment building as Hanni walked through the darkness Minji right beside her.

It had been three days since the meeting with Danielle and for those three days they had been tracking her movements with the hidden tracker that Hanni had downloaded to the bodyguard's phone. It hadn't taken too long for them to find out Danielle's address: she lived in a small apartment building on the other side of the city, just thirty minute drive away from Minji's place, and lucky for them, the apartment building wasn't too well secured.

Minji stopped at a door, glancing at the number on it, "This is it, isn't it?"

Hanni stopped right next to her and crossed her arms. She narrowed her eyes, "I don't have a good feeling about this."

She could feel as Minji turned her gaze on her and soon there was a gentle touch on her shoulder.

"I know you don't like it, but what other choice do we have?"

Hanni closed her eyes, inhaling and then exhaling deeply. Minji was right. She knew she was right, but no matter how many times she tried to convince herself that it was just her job, she couldn't help but feel like a traitor. Especially now that they were about to break into Danielle's apartment.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to be part of this," she heard Minji's soothing voice, that was barely a whisper. It was soon midnight and they didn't want to draw any unwanted attention to them.

Finally, Hanni opened her eyes, sharing a look with the tall one. Her heart was pounding but her eyes were full of cold determination. "No," she took out her lock picking tools, "It's too late now. Show me the light," she crouched down on one knee in front of the lock.

For a moment, Minji stayed silent. She then turned on the flashlight she was carrying and gave Hanni some light to work with. It didn't take long until the lock gave in to Hanni's will. A small click sound was heard and gently, Hanni pressed the door handle as she stood up, opening the door to Minji with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Jeez, did they teach you this in KSA?" Minji grinned, "I'm missing out."

Hanni chuckled, rolling her eyes.

Minji stepped in, checking out the area before letting Hanni follow her. When they were both inside the apartment, Hanni closed the door quietly.

It was dark and quiet. Minji raised her flashlight and Hanni took out hers too, turning it on. The spotlights traveled through the room that looked like a lobby with open doorways to the other rooms. There was a tall mirror cabinet right on the right and a small counter next to it, with a plant on it. In fact, there were a couple of plants all around the lobby. Hanni furrowed her brows, she wasn't exactly surprised.

Minji took a step further, still looking around. "So..," she stopped at the counter, picking up a small object that looked like a decorative statue, "What exactly are we looking for?"

"Anything you can find related to our target," Hanni slid open the slide door of the mirror cabinet, glancing quickly inside. Just clothes.

"You think she'd actually keep something valuable like that in her apartment?" Minji asked, as if she didn't know the answer.

Hanni closed the door, "Look through every room and every cabinet, she must have something that'll give us a clue," she watched as Minji nodded, heading towards one of the rooms on the right.

"I'll take the bedroom," Minji said, before she disappeared into the darkness.

Hanni turned to the left and walked through a small kitchen. She found herself standing in front of a living room. Her flashlight spotted an old stylish sofa with a plant next to it and a circle shaped table in the middle. No surprise, there were flowers arranged in a vase. No wonder Danielle had been so excited about her fake job.

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