Before We Begin...

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A/N Notes: This is one of my first attempts at fanfiction writing, written long ago but never published here. And after re-reading it, and wincing many, many times at my own very awkward, rickety, extremely amateur writing, I decided to post it. It may not be perfect, but a lot of time and effort went into it, a huge labor of love, and I decided I wanted to share it again.

Beware, it is very, very long and very Potter-content heavy, with a mixture of the Potter books and movies, as well as some creative liberties.

***Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Harry Potter and/or any of the related characters and material. The characters were created by Joss Whedon and JK Rowling and owned by 20th Century Studios (The Walt Disney Company) and Warner Bros Studios. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to 20th Century Studios (The Walt Disney Company) and JK Rowling and Warner Bros Studios.

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