Chapter 39

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They had inhabited the same roof for over a week, and the most he said to her was, well, nothing. Harry looked at her, peeked at her, and that was pretty much it. He did think about talking to her. More than once, twice, three times actually, but hesitated before a single word came to mind. He thought he would have to wait three weeks, and now here she was, and he was behaving like a coward. Of course, it would have been easier if they didn't have a habit of arguing every time either one of them said a word. It would make any person a little wary. But he knew he couldn't put it off any longer. Especially since he knew he would have to make the first move after their last 'friendly' chat.

Closing the door gently behind him, he heard the floor creak beneath his feet. The squeaking sounds announcing his presence.

"Mom, I already told you I'm not –" Turning around, Buffy realized that the new person in the room was definitely not her mother. "Hi," she said in surprise.

"You're not high?" Harry asked, amused.

She gave a tiny, embarrassed laugh that settled into a tiny, teasing smile.

"Well, I'm waiting for the dead rodent smell to kick in," she said. He gave a small chuckle and that tiny smile that lay on her lips soon disappeared. Replaced by a slightly apprehensive look. "We're not gonna start arguing again, are we?"

"I hope not," he said, giving a shy smirk.

"Good," she responded, sounding relieved. "'Cause it was getting a bit old don't cha think?"

"Definitely," he replied, a little more than relieved himself.

They grew quiet. Neither one of them really knowing where to go from here. She noticed how fidgety he was. He was nervous, she could tell, but then again so was she. They still had a somewhat ways to go before they settled into some sort of comfort zone. Of course, just staring at him wasn't going to ease the situation either. So, offering a glimpse of a friendly smile, Buffy slowly turned forward again. Her insides feeling all knotty as she resumed her previous task.

Okay, so far, no loud words. That was good. All they had to do was keep it up.

Scratching the back of his neck nervously, Harry moved closer to where she was sitting.

"D-do you mind if I join you?" he asked, his cheeks tinting slightly at the stutter.

Buffy glanced up toward him. Surprised he was asking. Surprised he was even up here.

"Oh, uh, no. Of course not," she answered. "Pull up some floor."

They shared a wobbly smile as he lowered himself next to her. Friendly, polite, and unsure. Then they settled into one of those awkward and tense silences again. One would think they'd be used to those by now.

So, here he was. Now what? Harry racked his brain for something to talk about that didn't sound completely stupid, or would start any kind of fighting, then he suddenly remembered what Buffy had begun to say when he first came into the room. At least it was something.

"So, what is it that you're not doing?" he asked.

It took her a second to realize what he was talking about, and when she did, an annoyed sigh escaped her lips.

"Hiding," she replied.

"Aren't you?" he smirked knowingly.

"Yes," she replied, barefaced. "But my mother doesn't need to know that."

Harry grinned. "Gets annoying, doesn't it? Having everybody keep asking you if you're okay."

"Actually, I think annoying falls short. But then again you would know all about that wouldn't you?" Oh, he definitely knew all about that all right, which is why she didn't wait for him to respond. "Besides, we couldn't just let Buckbeak starve now, could we?"

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