Chapter 10

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Not since Harry Potter had started Hogwarts had there been so much interest in a student doing the same. Only this time it wasn't because the student had faced and survived the killing curse. This time it was because said student hadn't been seen in ages, and had now, suddenly, appeared out of the blue.

A whisper here. A whisper there. A whisper everywhere. Just the welcoming she was hoping for. Passing by hushed voices and odd looks, Buffy pretended like she wasn't bothered by any of it. However, her complete lack of making eye contact might've given away her uneasiness. Can't win 'em all, Buffy . Trying to avoid everyone at all costs, she hurried through the castle and to the Entrance Hall. Hoping to get settled into her new house table before anyone would notice.

One would think she would've known better. Hadn't the past hour proved that no matter how hard she tried, inevitably the unavoidable can't be avoided? It seemed like the whole school had run up to catch a glimpse of the no longer missing girl. Turning around, Buffy saw them grouped in clusters, whispering and staring. The words 'dance monkey dance' running through her head. And it was only going to get worse.

Finally stepping into the Great Hall, Buffy froze right on the spot. It was like her mind was fighting itself. One side of the room was her old house, her old life. On the far other was her new house, her now very different life. By instinct she edged toward her old table (it's hard to break old habits). The others watched her, expecting her to take a seat at the table they used to see her at. The house that used to be hers. But their reactions turned from expectant to complete shock and questioning, when she moved past it and to the table they would have never expected to see her in. Ever.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione pushed through the crowds, as did Draco at the far end of them. Their eyes searching for the one and only Buffy Summers, and of course she was in the last place they looked. In the place they would've never thought to look.

Eyes wide in surprise, and their jaws reaching floor, they found Buffy sitting quietly, calmly, and alone at the Gryffindor Table.

Could someone get a heart attack from their heart racing a thousand miles per minute? If not, Buffy was sure she was going to prove them wrong. She didn't dare look up, what was the point? She was sure they were looking at her like she had gone mad. Wondering what in the hell she was doing sitting at a table where she already knew she didn't belong. Her leg began to quiver again, a dead giveaway of how she felt. She needed a distraction, anything. Remembering she had brought her bag with her, hidden away beneath her robes, she pulled out a book. Didn't matter which one, she didn't even care if it was in English. Opening it to the first page she began to read, hoping they would take the hint and leave her be.

Many inched to their tables cautiously, acting like at any moment she was going to set them to flames. The ones who seemed to be moving the slowest were of course the Gryffindors, especially those who used to know Buffy. They began to take their seats at the far end of the table as far away from her as possible. The only one who wanted to be close to her was Harry. Seeing her now made him realize how much he had missed her. Missed talking to her. His heart leapt, he couldn't believe she was back. Then he remembered how she had cut him out of her life. Briskly and without word, and the hurt he had felt then, came back. Hurt turned to anger, and he couldn't get far enough.

"What in the bloody hell is she doing sitting here?" Ron spat.

"Don't know, but I don't think it's a mistake," Hermione answered coldly. "She has a Gryffindor crest on her robes."

Everyone who had heard, craned their necks and checked, and sure enough, she was right.

"It has to be a mistake. She's a Slytherin, always has been, always will be," said Ron.

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