Chapter 34

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Placing the pillow on her bed, she had a chance to smooth it out once before there came a knocking on her chamber door. And when she went to answer it, an immediate smile came to her face.

"Good afternoon, we're from Weasley and Weasley."

"We've come looking for the lady of the house."

"Is your mother home, little girl?"

"We've got a few things we'd like to talk to her about."

"A few necessary items we'd like to show her."

"Items for the everyday woman!"

"Beauty potions!"

"Love potions!"

"Cleaning potions!"

"Everything must go!"

Buffy nodded slowly, "Okay, closing the door now." And began to close it.

"Oi!" Fred and George shouted, pushing back.

Pulling the door open again, and pretending to sigh in annoyance, she let them in.

"All right. I guess if you can't trust a pair of psychotic salesmen who can you trust?"

"Exactly," Fred said as he pointed a quick finger at her.

Clicking the door shut, Buffy joined Fred and George as they made themselves comfortable on her recently made bed.

"We just came to let you know we've disowned Ron."

"We would've kicked him out on the street if he weren't so defenceless."

"Poor thing would have starved to death if left on his own."

"That and mum threatened to take our wands away if we tried."

Buffy smiled softly. "Aw, thanks guys, that's sweet. Willing to throw out your own brother for my honor."

"What can we say?"

"We're just constantly thinking of others."

Buffy shook her head, chuckling briefly. Missing the look the Twins silently exchanged, and the weighty expressions on their faces.

"Buffy," Fred began, waiting until he had her full attention, which kind of wigged her out when she noticed how serious they had become. "There's actually something else we wanted to talk to you about."

That caused her to worry. The Twins were rarely serious, if ever. "What is it?"

"It's nothing bad. It's just..."

"The other day, when we got here, after hearing about what happened to dad, George and I, got into a sort of argument with Sirius," Fred explained.

Buffy raised a brow. "A sort of argument?"

George nodded. "After we heard what happened, we wanted to go to St. Mungo's straight away, to make sure dad was all right, but Sirius told us to wait. And we didn't take it too well."

"We argued about it."

"Got into it about how much we wanted to go."

"But there's something else."

"It has something to do with the Order."

"Guys," she began, knowing where they were headed with this. "You know I can't –"

"You don't have to tell us anything too secretive, we promise."

"There were just some things he told us, and well, we wanted to know if they were true."

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