Chapter 71

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Everyone was in their own room on Thursday. Buffy moved up a floor, and Sirius moved up three. Different rooms, separate spaces, should all point to Hey! All better now, let's live like normal people! But Buffy and Sirius were still on orders to rest and rest and rest. Their meals were still popped in and empty dishes still popped out. And if they thought they were bored before, boredom took on a whole new meaning, because at least while they resided in the same room, they had each other for entertainment, but now they had practically no one, aside from the occasional checkup from Drs. Lupin, Summers, and Weasley. Even Joyce had refused to sleep in the same room with Sirius while he recuperated, for his well-being of course, and, well, the whole house heard just how unhappy he was about that...maybe even China.

After Dumbledore's visit yesterday, Buffy discussed with her mother, Sirius, Remus, and to some extent, Mrs. Weasley, all the shiny, new revelations that had been hiding in Buffy's mind all this time. They were bewildered, which was not exactly unexpected, but they were the best when all they cared about how she was feeling. How they made sure that she knew they would be there for her for any fears or any doubts she may have. She kept the 'Voldemort becoming invincible' part to herself for now, at least until she was able to get some questions answered from a Sunnydale source. In the meantime, she had a lot of time to think, and she appreciated it, but that was yesterday; now she would be glad if a demon came in through the window just so she would have something to keep her occupied. Except for these blasted magazines that hadn't seemed so mindless before!

Okay, she got it, celebrities have drug problems and like to play the relationship merry-go-round, does every magazine in the world have to harp about it? If Buffy turned one more page and saw a model on the arm of a rockstar leaving a club, she was going to Apparate to the Editor's office and start kicking ass.

With all the irritation Buffy felt, one would think she'd just stop reading those magazines and pick up a book or something, but no, being the masochist that she was, she turned another glossy page that had a picture of yet another young actor stumbling out of a bar. Thankfully, however, she was going to be saved from herself, because in the next second there came a very welcomed knock on the bedroom door, and two redheads poked through.




Fred and George greeted one by one, then both at once.

"Oh, thank god," Buffy muttered in relief, tossing the magazine to the floor. "Hi!" she said, with the biggest smile she could give, never having been so happy to see them before.

"Told you she liked me best," Fred said to George as they walked.

"Who said that smile's for you?"

"Couldn't be for you, you're a Weasley."

As they usually did, they each took a spot on either side of Buffy and made themselves comfortable with their hands behind their heads and legs stretched out on the bed.

"We leave you alone for two seconds and look what happens?"

"Get yourself all mixed up with those ruffians."

"That Ron Weasley was always up to no good, you know."

"It's all that red hair, can't be healthy."

"And that Potter, always been a bad influence."

"It's the scar I tell you."

"What about everyone else?" questioned Buffy.

"Pfft, hanger-ons," replied Fred.

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