Chapter 14

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Dinner was nothing but noise. Harry and Buffy's little escapades during D.A.D.A already traveling through the grapevine. Now instead of getting angry looks, Buffy was receiving peculiar ones, because those disdained and scoffing eyes were currently setting their sights on someone else.

"Do you really think he did it? Do you think he actually faced – " Susie cupped a hand over the side of her mouth and leaned closer as she whispered, "You-Know-Who?"

"Do you think he did?" Buffy asked, smiling at her behavior.

Everyone was brazenly discussing Harry's shouting match with Professor Umbridge. His ridiculous claims about Voldemort's return and the murder of Cedric surrounding every inch of the castle. It seemed like his words against the teacher proved to be more interesting than Buffy's little match.

"Not really sure. I mean, everyone's been saying that it's all lies. That he's just doing it to get attention."

"It's not nice to talk about people behind their backs, you know," Buffy softly chided.

"Well, it's not like I can avoid it. Everyone's talking about it," Susie defended herself, and then quickly turned back to the inquisitive girl was. "So, do you think he did?"

"Yes," she told her confidently. "I do."

Susie mulled it over and gave a thoughtful nod. Her mind not made up just yet. There was so much she had heard against Harry's case, and the Daily Prophet was never her parents told her. But a part of her believed that maybe he was telling the truth. After all, what kind of person would lie about the return of You-Know-Who? Especially Harry Potter.

Deciding to let it go...for now, Susie's thoughts quickly turned to the other subject that had been bothering her. The one she was uneasy of telling Buffy about.

"Everybody's talking about you, too," Susie told her quietly.

Buffy paused briefly. It wasn't a surprise really. It was the fact that Susie had caught wind of it, something she had been trying to avoid, because she had a feeling that she knew exactly what it was that Susie had heard.

"Oh," Buffy replied, forcing her tone to remain even. "What are they saying?"

"Everyone's been wondering why you've come back," she confessed softly. "And they've also been saying some really awful things about you, and that you used to be really mean to people...they've also mentioned something about the Chamber of Secrets."

Buffy should've been shocked, but in reality, she was surprised that this was the first time someone had brought that up. She was expecting a bombard of questions and accusations when she arrived. Especially in the common room, but no one mentioned a single thing about it. Like it had never happened. Dumbledore had explained to her before her return that nobody knew what Buffy had really been through. Even Harry had been given a vague description. The Headmaster had guaranteed that everyone who had been aware was told to remain quiet on the matter. Assuring her that the students had only been told the basics, to ease their curiosity, and that he had even added his own small twist on it, just to make it plausible. Something Buffy was grateful for, but had also left her wondering if maybe, the students hadn't believed a word of it. What with their warm reception and all.


The small, worried voice penetrated through her thoughts, shaking Buffy out of her reflecting. "Huh?"

"Are you okay? You kind of drifted off," Susie asked in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just," she exhaled deeply; "I'm just tired. Think I'm gonna head off to bed."

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