Chapter 30

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"Team sports? I don't know," Buffy drawled out. "I'm not really into the whole, rah-rah, there's no I in team, bit."

"There's no I in team?" Ginny asked with big wide innocent eyes, causing Buffy to chuckle and shake her head gently as they continued walking down the hall. "Come on," Ginny pleaded. "There's no harm in trying out. It could be fun."

"Sorry, Gins, but this is your deal. I'm much more of a spectator not a participator," she said. "Besides, you're going out for Seeker, and direct competition's not so good in an early friendship, and given my size, I'm not sure Beater will be my strong suit."

"There's nothing wrong with a little friendly competition."

"You say that now. And then one day, given the off chance in hell that I actually tried out and won your oh-so-coveted spot, I'll come to find black beetle parts in my lunch."

"Don't be silly. I would never put beetle parts in your lunch," she replied. "I'd use caterpillars."

"Yeah, well, as lovely as that sounds," Buffy sarcastically drawled. "Still, no."

"All right," she pouted. "But will you at least come and see me try out."

"Wish I could, but I've got some serious studying to do."

"That's all you ever do," Ginny said pointedly. "You're worse than Hermione. You do know that?"

Buffy snorted. "I don't think anybody can be worse than Hermione."

The girls stopped as they reached the doorway. Ginny dressed comfortably in roomy clothes with a broom in her hands, all set for the Gryffindor tryouts that were being held to replace Fred, George, and Harry's still vacant spots. While Buffy, still dressed in her uniform, held onto the bag strap that rested on her shoulder as she tried to casually pry herself away from her current company. Seeing as she had an appointment to meet with a certain snobby, blond Slytherin in a few minutes.

"That's true," Ginny couldn't help but agree, right before giving a defeated and nervous sigh. "Will you at least wish me luck?"

"You don't need luck, Ginny. You'll do great. But if it'll make you feel better," Buffy began, then placed a hand on Ginny's upper arm in support and gave a curt nod, "Good luck. Best wishes. Break a leg. May the force be with you. Live long and prosper. Sock it to 'em."

Ginny's eyebrows knitted in confusion. She had absolutely no idea of what half of what she had just been told meant. "Uh...thanks?"

"You're welcome," Buffy smiled brightly.

With her mind still mildly dazed, Ginny walked off toward the Pitch. Her brain trying hard to figure out her well wishes. May what force be with you? And what does a sock have to do with anything?

Buffy waited a minute before turning back around and heading up to the third floor. Not paying much attention along the way. Reaching the always empty classroom, she pulled the door open without a glance back and walked inside. Waiting it out until her Slytherin buddy graced her with his presence.

His stomach was rumbling. Which was pretty much an ever-present feeling. Unfortunately, any thoughts of eating had to be put off seeing as Angelina wanted the whole team down at the Quidditch Pitch for the tryouts. Ginny was going to be there, and at the very least, he could offer her some brotherly support. Walking down the corridor, it took Ron a few seconds to realize he had gone the wrong way. His mind off in many wonderful things to eat, causing the stall in his concentration. He was about to turn back when he saw a familiar blonde heading suspiciously toward a specific door, and seemingly unaware she was being watched. It shouldn't have been strange. It was easy enough. A student going into a classroom, simple right? It should've been, except for the fact that classes were over, the hall was empty, and she was going into a room he had never entered since attending school. At least not for lessons anyway. Oh, and there was the fact that he didn't trust her, let's not forget that. Another set of footsteps caught his attention and Ron hurried to the opposite end of the sound. Hiding himself behind the corner that connected the two hallways. The footsteps were echoing louder now, and as Ron looked out to see who it was, wasn't he in for a not so fun surprise. With a scowl on his face and anger in his eyes, he watched as Malfoy walked into the very same room Buffy had just entered.

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