Chapter 44

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Be careful, Buffy. That was never going to stop, was it? Her life always seemed to be full of 'be careful's. Trudging up the stairs, Buffy headed to her mother's room. She would need to know she was back or else, and that 'else' was always a biggie, and then Buffy would finally be able to plop down on her bed and sleep the rest of her vacation away. This whole time difference deal was so not good for her energy levels.

Tiredly, Buffy turned the knob to her mother's room and pushed the door open.

She really should've knocked first.

"Oh! OH! Scarred for life! Scarred for life!"

There they were. Joyce Summers and Sirius Black locking lips like there was no tomorrow.

"Buffy!" They both exclaimed, quickly pulling apart.


Words. She needed words here. Of course, being mentally scarred wasn't helping matters.

"Buffy," Sirius said gently, walking towards her like she was a wounded animal that would attack without a moment's notice.

Her mind sprang to life again and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"You!" she said accusingly, pointing her finger toward him for good measure. "You...shush!"

And they both watched as Buffy pivoted right back around and hastily went back down the stairs. Uh-oh.

"...can't trust anybody, always gotta keep an eye out..." Buffy huffed all the way down, loudly, and irritatingly. Giving Mrs. Black the evil eye when the ratty old curtains flew open and the old woman was ready to shout, but as soon as she caught sight of the no-nonsense girl the curtains closed again without a sound. "...leave 'em alone and this is what happens, just gone for a day, a day!"

"What are you going on about?" Remus asked.

That seemed to have snapped her right out of her rumblings, and Buffy looked up surprised and angry all rolled into one. How did she get into the dining room?



Sirius and Joyce came barging in. Their faces flushed and urgency in their voices.

"You two," Buffy said, her voice tight, snapping around to face them. ""

"What's going on?" Harry asked.

Everyone had gathered from different parts of the house to the little room as soon as they heard Buffy's angry stomps, which had been very loud indeed.

"So, I'm guessing she knows now?" Remus asked, smugly.

"Knows what?" Ginny asked.

Sirius and Joyce glared at the werewolf. He was definitely not helping the situation.

"You shush," Joyce said to the grinning Remus.

"Knows what?" Harry echoed.

With her hands firmly placed on her hips, Buffy turned to him.

"Your godfather and my mother...were...they were..." The words seemed to be stuck in her throat as the disturbing picture couldn't get out of her mind. "I can't even say it."

"They were what?" The Twins asked wiggling their eyebrows suggestively.

"Ew," she said strongly.

"It was nothing like that," Sirius said. "Buffy just happened to walk in on us while we were –"

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