Chapter 72

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"Good to see your stay at St. Mungo's hasn't affected your abilities," said Ginny, giggling as Tonks neighed like a horse through her dark brown muzzle.

"Would you mind doing mine next?" requested Luna.

Tonks neighed one more time and returned her face to normal. She had decided to stay back a little longer after Mad-Eye had left and was currently entertaining the group with her rare talent.

"Hare, wasn't it?" she asked, and Luna nodded.

As quick as a wink, Tonks's mouth grew fur and whiskers, and her short rabbit nose twitched as Luna smiled, fascinated by it.

"I keep thinking one of these days her face is going to stay that way," said Sirius. He was standing by the fireplace looking at Tonks as she displayed her 'animal instincts' to Ginny, Luna, Hermione, and Neville.

"Let's hope not," said Harry, who couldn't help but smile as Tonks wiggled her rabbit nose around Luna as if she were searching for food.

"It would definitely be a shame for someone if it did," Sirius said mysteriously, and before Harry could question it, Sirius changed the subject. "Dumbledore told me you had asked him about staying with me for the summer."

Sirius didn't sound too enthusiastic as he said it, and Harry could already tell what Sirius's decision would be.

" don't think it's a good idea," Harry said sadly.

"As much as I would love for you stay, and I would, it's best if you kept staying at the Dursley's. It's much safer for you there, especially now."

"But it's safe here, too, isn't it? With all the charms put on this place, you told me it was the safest house anywhere, remember?"

"Yes, I remember, but with all its protections, this house still has its vulnerabilities. It can't protect you as much as living with your aunt can," he said, trying to convince Harry with the same explanations he used to convince himself. "Dumbledore told me he explained this to you."

Harry nodded. "He did, but...I was hoping you could have changed his mind. That it would be different now."

Harry looked so disappointed that Sirius was close to saying to hell with it all and let Harry stay, but reason still managed to creep in, and he thought of what was best for his godson.

"It is different, Harry. Very, very different," said Sirius, putting a hand on his shoulder for good measure. "But there is one thing that will not, and cannot, change. You have to be kept safe. No matter what. You now understand why, don't you?"

Harry understood it; he just didn't like it, which had become a very common thing for Harry.

It was such a sad, short nod that it wouldn't be described as a nod at all to anyone else, but it was all Harry could muster and Sirius had expected as much.

"Let's look on the bright side, you'll be staying here tonight," Sirius said with a smile. "Mad-Eye said he'll be coming back for you tomorrow afternoon, didn't he?" Harry nodded. "See, it's not so bad. Sometimes we have to take what we can and appreciate it for all it's worth."

Harry had to agree that it was something opposed to nothing. One night of peace and family, that wasn't just something, it was everything, and Harry was grateful for as much of it as he could get.

Buffy had come to a decision that took days to make, but as she walked down the stairs alone and toward the mass awaiting her, she was still questioning that decision. It wasn't so much if she should, but how much? How much should she tell them? How much did they really need to know? How much was she comfortable with? They were definitely not the easiest questions to answer, and she continued to think about them even as her hand reached the doorknob.

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