Chapter 52

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Luna didn't know how soon Harry's interview would appear in the Quibbler, as her father, the editor in charge, was expecting a lovely long article on recent sightings of the Crumple-Horned Snorkacks, and that was of course much more important. Harry couldn't deny he was anxious to see his words in print, and what kind of reactions he would receive. Though he assumed they would be the same as the ones he's been getting since he started saying Voldemort was back – that he was barking mad. He did get bouts of support from the people he told about his interview with Rita Skeeter. Neville and Dean congratulated him on putting the truth out there when he told them during dinner Monday night, while Seamus, who was a person away from Harry, didn't say anything, but was no doubt listening when Harry had caught his eyes flitting in his direction every so often. For someone who doubted Harry's claims, Seamus sure did seem interested in the details of them.

The Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff match was nearing closer and closer, and Buffy, Neville, and Luna saw Ginny less and less. Angelina seemed hell bent on pushing the team to their limits, and whatever small free time Ginny had she spent with Michael on his whiny insistence. Quite a catch, wasn't he? The Quidditch practices were getting harder and harder, Ginny had mentioned on a fleeting moment, but according to Fred and George (who sneaked a peek on those practices every so chance), it wasn't really doing them any good. Apparently, the entire lot was rubbish without Fred, George, and Harry, well except for Ginny, who the Twins had found out had been breaking into the broom shed in the Burrow since she was six and practicing on each of her brothers' brooms whenever she had the chance, impressing Fred and George with that bout of knowledge, who weren't always so easily impressed. She was a good player and a good Seeker, but she was no Harry. And the Quidditch team could apparently use a Harry right now.

Game day had soon arrived, and with all the talk of the team's lack of skills, the Gryffindors sat nervously in their seats waiting for it to begin. No more so than the friends of the Gryffindor Keeper. As Harry and Hermione looked for spots, dread couldn't help but fill their stomachs and anxiety to pump through their veins. If what Fred and George had told them were true, Ron was not going to come out of this jumping with joy.

"There's a spot over there," Harry said, pointing ahead.

A slight noise of uneasiness escaped past Hermione's lips. "Next to Buffy."

And it caused an eye roll from her companion. "It's either that or we keep looking, Hermione."

Hermione definitely didn't want to keep looking. Her nerves were already on edge. She just wanted a nice place to rest.

"Oh, all right, come on."

Buffy was in the company of Neville and Luna, who were sitting in that order next her. She was currently facing away from the field as she and little Susie Lore, who was sitting a bench higher, traded snacks back and forth.

"I thought you hated Jelly Slugs?" asked Susie.

"I don't hate 'em, I'm just not a real big fan, but Neville likes them."

"Neville," Susie called out to him, and when he turned back, she put the candy in his hands free of charge.

"Thanks," he said, surprised.

"Hey. How come he gets a freebie?"

"Because I like him," she said, and then stuck out her tongue.

"So, we're playing favorites now?"


"Okay," Buffy nodded, and turned to the little blonde girl beside Susie. "Here, Lizzie, you can have my Chocoballs."

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