Chapter 33

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After coming back from their visit at St. Mungo's, Harry had locked himself away. Refusing to speak, or see, anyone as he paced the room he shared with Ron. Of course, it's not like anyone was desperate to talk to him either. No one came to check if he was all right. No one came to see if he wanted to talk. Maybe they were afraid of him. After all he was possessed by Voldemort. Why would they want to be around him?

He had wanted to leave. He was putting everyone in danger just by being here, and if it weren't for Dumbledore's strict orders to stay, via Phineas's portrait, he would have. He could've gone to stay with the Dursleys. Away from the Wizarding world, and the people he cared about. If Voldemort was inside of him, it wouldn't be long before he attacks again. And it's not like the Dursleys would mind if he turned into a snake and started attacking them, right? It's not like it would be the most horrible thing in the world...nevertheless, he wouldn't get to find out, because he was ordered to stay. Like a child. Do as you're told and don't ask any questions. Because apparently, he just wasn't in charge of his own life anymore.

The next day didn't change. He hid himself away from everyone again. This time in Buckbeak's room. Pitying himself as he fed the large animal dead rats. Skipping meals and not partaking in the decorating of the house. And again no one bothered him. At least until six o'clock that evening. If Hermione's snow-covered presence was anything to go on, it seemed that the Hogwarts students were finally out for holiday break.

She banged on the door until he opened it. And not caring much for his hermit-like existence, she dragged him to the second floor, and into his room. Where Ron and Ginny were both waiting for them. Hermione went on to explain how she had taken the Knight Bus, as soon as the term was over, as she removed her jacket and scarf. Saying how she had wanted to be here as quickly as possible after McGonagall had informed her of what had happened. And without missing a beat, she moved onto Harry and his loner behavior.

"Oh, stop feeling all misunderstood," she said. "The others have told me what you overheard last night with the Extendable Ears –"

"Yeah?" Harry interrupted sharply as he looked at the Weasley siblings. "All been talking about me, have you? Well, I'm getting used to it."

"We wanted to talk to you, Harry," Ginny explained. "But as you've been hiding ever since we got back –"

"I didn't want anyone to talk to me," he replied.

"Well, that was a bit stupid of you. Seeing as I know what it's like to have been possessed by You-Know-Who, and I can tell you how it feels," Ginny reminded him angrily.

Harry paused in recollection. Her words feeling like a splash of water on his face.

"I forgot," he let out softly.

"Lucky you," she coolly replied.

"I'm sorry," he sincerely apologized. " do you think I'm being possessed?"

"Can you remember everything you've been doing?" she asked curtly. Still, a little seethed at his forgetfulness. "Are there big blank periods where you don't know what you've been up to?"

"No," he shook his head.

"Then, no. When You-Know-Who did it to me, I couldn't remember what I'd been doing for hours at a time."

"But that dream I had about your dad and the snake –"

"Harry, you've had these dreams before," Hermione responded. "You had flashes of what Voldemort was up to last year."

"This was different," said Harry, shaking his head again. "I was inside the snake. It was like I was the snake...what if Voldemort somehow transported me to London–?"

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