Chapter 53

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A muffled exclamation went through the hand Spike was using to cover his now bloody nose.

"Get out of here, Spike."

Is that how she said hello to people? Whatever happened to manners? Grunting, Spike discreetly readjusted the bones and removed the hand from his face as he sniffled.

"Why? I like it here." He wiped his upper lip. "Lots of trees. Fresh air. Plenty of innocent students to eat." With another fist Buffy broke the bones in Spike's nose with another crack. "All right. That's enough!" he growled punching her in the jaw. "Time for old Spike to have a go."

Buffy recovered quickly, backhanded him, and kicked him in the stomach, sending him backward to the ground.

"How do you like your 'go' now?"

Growling low in his throat, Spike stormed in, and in a flurry of fists and furry, old enemies beat their feelings towards each other out.

Recuperating from a kick to her side, Buffy quickly blocked his left hit with her right arm but didn't have time to react when his next attack hit her bull's eye in the stomach sending her flying back, crashing against a tree.

"That's more like it," he smirked, sauntering a few steps forward. "What's the matter, pet? Off the mainland making you soft around the edges?"

Buffy straightened and ran in full force, throwing two quick punches and connecting her left heel sharply against his thick head, causing him to fold over.

"What are you doing here, Spike?" she demanded, raising her wand-possessed right hand as if it were a stake. "The welcome mat is for the soul bearing only."

"Is that why you left the poof?" he taunted, after readjusting his posture. "Come halfway across the world to get away from your demons. Or demon."

It would've hurt, stung deeply if it wasn't for the fact that closure had already been made. If Buffy and Angel hadn't already talked and come to an understanding. All those words did was annoy her. Everything Spike did annoyed her.

"All except for the one I hate most," she sneered. "Leave. Now," she ordered, tired of playing cat and mouse and just wanted him gone.

"Struck a chord, did I?" he baited.

"The only thing you struck was my last nerve. Now go away," she said strongly. "Thought you'd be sniffing and groveling after your Drusilla like a cat in heat right about now. Unless she came to whatever sense she has left and realized she could do...well anything's better than you are really." Ice covered her taunts and Spike's face tightened. "I bet she doesn't even care about you. Not one thought in her brainless head about poor old Spike."

"Shut your gob." Look who struck a chord now.

"I did hear she was kinda fickle."

"Shut up!"

He stormed at her but the only hit he got was the ground against his face as Buffy grabbed a handful of his shirt and slammed him down.

"You're pathetic," she spat. "You're not even a loser; you're a shell of loser."

Spike sprang up and roared with flying fists. He managed to get a few good hits before giving a strong blow that left Buffy stumbling.

"It's your fault! You and that poof of yours. She belongs with me!" he exclaimed, as Buffy regained her balance. "And I'm going to get her back, just you watch."

Buffy rolled her eyes and let her arms hang at her sides upon realizing that the only kind of fighting that was going to happen now was Spike wrestling her patience.

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