Chapter 65

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The day was bright and sunny. The castle was clean. A handful of sparkly lions still roamed the grounds but were quickly fizzling out. Kids were playing. People were laughing. And Neville didn't care for any of it.

"I miss her already," he said, miserably.

He sat near the lake with Ginny and Luna and looked over the water that appeared murkier today.

"So do I," Ginny said, giving a despondent sigh. "Can't believe it only happened yesterday. Seems so long ago now."

Neville nodded absentmindedly and looked away from the water to his shoes, where he soon began to fiddle with the laces.

"She didn't...she didn't even say goodbye," said Neville.

No, she hadn't. Buffy had rushed out of Hogwarts like her tail was on fire without so much as a look back. Without so much as a wave. Ginny could understand why, leaving your friends couldn't be easy and saying goodbye could be hard, and Buffy was nearly pushed off the premises, but it still hurt her feelings nonetheless.

"I know, but there was so much going on. Umbridge was ready to throw her out of the castle if she had to. But we'll see her again. Once school's out."

Neville wasn't too sure about that or about any of Ginny's words.

"Luna? What do you think?" he asked.

Luna stopped her sky gazing at the mention of her name and slowly focused her attention on Neville and Ginny.

"Ginny's right, maybe we'll see her again. Sooner than we expect, I think."

"What makes you say that?" asked Ginny.

"Just a hunch."

Luna looked up at the sky again, admiring the soft clouds that rolled by, wondering if anyone else noticed the shapes they made. Of the one that looked like a ball. Or the one that twisted like snake. Clouds were funny things. Not many people seemed to notice the warnings they often gave of storms to come.


"You've been staring at that thing for the past two hours. It's gonna grow legs and walk out of the room if you keep at it," said Ron.

Ron was right, not about the leg part, of course, but of the fact that Harry had been staring at the same blank parchment for two hours and it hadn't brought him any success. Frustrated, he threw down the quill and ran a hand through his already disheveled hair.

"It's useless," he muttered.

Ron knew what Harry was trying to do, despite the fact that he hadn't said what it was. Harry had been distracted all day, playing with a quill in his hand, and when he pulled out a piece of parchment, Ron knew what had been on his mind – or more precisely, who. So, Ron closed his book and decided to ease his friend's thoughts. Either that or let him not study and fail his Potions O.W.L.

"I'm sure she's all right. She's home now. Away from O.W.Ls, Umbridge and...I think that's the worst of it."

Harry smiled a small, little smile. "Crossed yourself off the list then?"

Ron's cheeks turned red as he flustered.

"Didn't say that...exactly," he said, clearing his throat and fidgeting in his seat. Then, as he thought back to the evening before, the side of his mouth twitched up. "Besides, a girl who can cause Umbridge all that headache and leave with a prank like that can't be all bad, right? How did she get the broom out of the dungeons anyway? Wasn't it supposed to be guarded by trolls or something?"

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