Chapter 21

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The Room of Requirement, also known as the Come and Go Room, was located on the seventh floor opposite the wall of the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy being clubbed by trolls. It's unknown of what it looks like in its original state, seeing as the room only appears when a person is in real need of it. And is always equipped for the seekers needs. The only way to access this room is to walk in front of the empty wall three times, concentrating fiercely on what they might need. To one person it may appear as a broom closet, to another a room filled with chamber pots, or it may be used as a direct exit out of the castle. However, on this particular night it was used as a meeting for the Defence Against the Dark Arts group. Fully equipped with shelves and shelves of books, for which Hermione drooled, and an array of instruments like Sneakoscopes and Secrecy Sensors, all sorts of goodies.

Harry had spread the news the very next day after Dobby had informed him of the perfect place for the Defence meeting. He informed all other twenty-five members of the time, eight o'clock, and the exact directions of how to get to the Room of Requirement.

Now, they were all standing around, waiting for Harry to instruct them. Except for Hermione, who had her hand in the air.

"What is it, Hermione?" Harry asked.

"I think we ought to have a name. It would promote a feeling of unity and team spirit, don't you think?"

"Can we be the Anti-Umbridge League?" Angelina asked hopefully.

"Or the Ministry of Magic are Morons Group?" Fred suggested.

"I was thinking," Hermione began, shooting a disapproving frown at Fred. "More of a name that didn't tell everyone of what we were up to. Something we can safely refer to outside of the meetings."

"The Defence Association," Cho pitched in. "The D.A. for short, so nobody knows what we're talking about."

"The D.A.'s good," Ginny said thoughtfully. "Only let's make it stand for Dumbledore's Army, because that's the Ministry's worst fear, isn't it?"

Most everyone agreed with Ginny's suggestion and Hermione decided to make it official.

"All in favor of the D.A.?" Hermione questioned, and after counting the raised hands, "that's majority. Motion passed!"

Jotting down 'Dumbledore's Army' onto the parchment the members had signed at the Hogs Head, she rose and stuck it to a wall.

"Right," Harry said, after Hermione resumed her seat. "Shall we start practicing then? I was thinking, the first thing we should do is Expelliarmus, you know, the Disarming Charm. I know it's pretty basic but I've found it to be useful –"

"Oh, please. I don't think Expelliarmus is going to help us against You-Know-Who, do you?" Zacharias Smith grumbled.

"I've used it against him, and it saved my life. But if you think it's beneath you, you can leave," Harry told him, but Zacharias didn't move, nor did anybody else.

"Okay, I reckon we all split into pairs, and get started," he instructed.

As he watched his orders being carried out, it made him feel strange. He told them what to do, and they actually did it. He was going to have to get used to that.

The pairs were teaming up, and Harry noticed that Neville was predictably left partner-less. Oh, but if Buffy were here there would be no doubt who his partner would be. They'd probably be off in a corner laughing and joking around. Being all chummy and secretive with their conversations. Getting close and – wait. What was he doing? No, he had to be the bigger man here. Pretend like the thought of Neville being struck down by lightning was a bad thing. Harry paused on that. He really needed to sort out his issues.

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