Chapter 26

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Second Year...

"Make way for the Heir of Slytherin!"

"Make way!"

"Seriously, evil wizard coming through!"

Fred and George were shouting down the corridor as they pushed the students aside to make a passage for Harry. While Percy and Hermione looked at them disapprovingly, Ron and Harry were smiling, enjoying the twins' behavior.

"Well, if it isn't Tweedledee and Tweedledum," Buffy mocked as she stopped before them with Draco, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Daphne around her, blocking their path. "Two bodies sharing half a brain, with not an original thought to prove it."

"I'd be careful if I were you, Summers," Fred sneered.

"Wouldn't want you to have a little...accident," George said with a dark smirk.

The threat in their voices didn't even make her bristle. Instead, she calmly took a step closer to them.

"Not very bright, are you?" she taunted. "Well, what can you really expect, from you know...people like you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked George.

"If you have to ask than it just proves my point," she jeered. "Making threats out in the open, with so many witnesses. Wow. Your lack of intelligence just never seizes to amaze me."

The Slytherins behind her giggled and chuckled, and the Gryffindors before her scowled and glared.

"You're forgetting one little thing there, Summers," Fred began.

"They won't say a word because people actually like us," George said pointedly.

"Oh dear, dear, George," she started, the twins surprised that she could tell them apart when so very few people could. "It's not about being liked. It's about who they're afraid of the most."

A small little crowd had gathered around them, intrigued at the banter, but when Buffy turned to the side and looked at them innocently with her bright green eyes, a little shiver went up their spines and they scurried away. Buffy, Draco and the Slytherins smirked confidently as they turned back to the Gryffindors, noticing their irritated looks.

"And then of course there's still your brother," she continued.

"Me?" Ron asked in surprise.

"No not you," she said rolling her eyes. "You should really stop hanging around Potter, Weasel. His narcissism seems to be catching like a disease."

"Look who's talking about narcissism," Hermione spat.

"Aw, was that a comeback?" she asked aggravatingly, and Hermione's face went absolutely red. "Besides I was talking about Percy. You know. The prefect."

Fred and George turned to Percy expecting him to defend them, but he didn't say a word.

"It's his responsibility to uphold the rules and regulations of Hogwarts. To make sure that those who cause, or wish to cause, trouble are punished to the full extent of his power. And now here you are putting yourselves on the line in front of him. Making you wonder what he'll choose? His family? Or his position?"

Harry and Hermione scowled even more when they noticed the tension she had created between the Weasley family.

"Now I don't know about you, but I'm dying to find out which one it'll be."

"You're just jealous," Harry said, stepping up to her. Not being able to stay silent any longer. "Because people actually like them for who they are, and the only way you can get people to talk to you is through fear."

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