Chapter 56

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Every single fiber was black. From the tips of her shoes to the lace on her hats. And it was all irreversible.

Dolores Umbridge woke up one bright morning to find that every single piece of her clothing was black. Every accessory and every shoe was black. The whole of her wardrobe was BLACK! It took the use of every strong stomach muscle she had to prevent her from spewing out the vile her anger produced when she tried and failed to return the pretty pink coloring to her things. She refused to look at her reflection as she dressed and the strap on her left shoe nearly snapped off when she angrily pulled it through the buckle. She was close to writing the whole day off and staying indoors until she could rectify the situation, but she was not going to give the person responsible the satisfaction.

Umbridge walked through the halls with her head held high, firmly ignoring the whispers and chuckles of those she passed. Though most of the noise seemed to be drowned out by the sharp click-clack of her heels as she stomped through the castle.

"Ginny went to see if she was awake, but when she got there her bed was already empty," Neville told Fred and George as they walked through the halls.

"You know it's not good when Buffy's up early," said George.

"Very bad sign indeed," said Fred.

They had just stepped onto the ground floor when they crossed paths with a most amusing sight.

"Good morning, Professor Umbridge," Fred grinned.

"Having a lovely day, are we?" smiled George.

"I know you two are the ones behind this," she said tightly.

"Us?" they chorused with their innocent expressions.

"Do not play that innocent act with me," she warned. "I know perfectly well what you two are capable of. I don't know how you managed to destroy my possessions but –"

"Honestly, Professor, we had nothing to do with what you're insinuating."

"We were in our rooms all night."

"We wish we could take the credit."

"We really do."

"But it seems you might have another prankster on your hands."

"A much sneakier one at that."

"Proof," she said quickly, quieting the two. "Prove to me you were in your dormitories all night."

"Well we got an eye witness right here, don't we, Neville?" said Fred and wrapped his arm around the innocent bystander.

"W-what?" he stuttered in his confusion.

"You can vouch for our whereabouts, can't you?"

"W-well, y-yes."

"And where were we last night?"

"I-in the d-dormitory."

"And there you go."

"Out of the mouths of Longbottoms."

Umbridge's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"And am I supposed to take the word of one of your friends?" she asked, eyeing Neville in distaste.

"Unless there's a spy somewhere in the Gryffindor Tower."

"I don't see any other option."

The blood boiled up to the surface, and Umbridge's face went absolutely scarlet. Her eyes became nothing but dark slits.

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