Chapter 43

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The days were winding down. The holidays came and went without much news, except for a brand-new year. And the inhabitants of Grimmauld Place were enjoying the last remaining days together until the majority of them had to return to Hogwarts. Well, except for Buffy who decided to squeeze in one last day in Sunnydale before her holiday came to a close.

"Only in Southern California can it be the middle of winter and still be over seventy degrees," she said, sunglasses over her eyes and lounging on a blanket.

The Scoobies had decided that today was too sunny to be spending their time indoors, so loading up a picnic basket, they headed to the park to enjoy a warm day in early January.

"Bet you missed that," Xander commented beside her.

"And how."

"Xander, did you eat all the Doritos?" Willow asked, sifting through the basket.

"Yes, I did, and I am not ashamed to admit it."

Rolling her eyes, Willow closed the lid and went back to her laying position. Irritated at being left with a craving.

"Some people fish. Some people read," Buffy said. "Xander eats."

"We all contribute in our own way."

"All you're contributing to is starvation," said Willow.

"But the point is I contribute."

Rolling her eyes behind her dark sunglasses, Buffy lifted herself to a sitting position to face her original redheaded friend.

"So, where's Oz?" she asked. A note of gentleness in her voice.

A small, saddened sigh escaped Willow as she slowly mimicked her friend's position. "He's in L.A. On a gig."

"How are things between you two?"

"Oh, you know, strained and awkward."

And that was an improvement.

"And you?"

"Guilty and apologetic," she stated, a humorless side smile appearing on her face, before it was swiped away completely. "I don't think he's ever going to forgive me."

"I thought he already had."

"He did, but you know, a guilty conscience makes for an unsure me."



Buffy offered her a sympathetic smile, and then offered another one to her other heartbroken friend.

"What about you?" she asked Xander, the same gentle, empathic tone in her voice. "Any luck with Cordelia?"

"I've begged, I've groveled and I'm two phone calls away from a restraining order," he said, moving to a sitting position as well. "But you know what really bugs me?" He turned to Willow. "Okay, we kissed. It was a mistake. But I know that was positively the last time we were ever gonna kiss."

"Darn tootin'!"

"And they burst in, rescuing us from Spike, without even knocking? I mean, this is really all their fault."

"Your logic does not resemble our Earth logic," Buffy said.

"Mine is much more advanced."

It had innocently started on the eve of a Homecoming Dance, where two old friends seemed to have really seen each other for the first time. And driven by hormones and what if's, shared a secret kiss that didn't stop at one, even if they were currently attached to someone else. And the can of worms eventually opened when Spike had returned to Sunnydale after getting his heartbroken by Drusilla once again, and had kidnapped Willow so she could perform a love spell, with Xander also being dragged along to the old factory for no reason other than he happened to be with Willow at the time. And when Spike left them so that he could retrieve the Wiccan's magical supplies, the two old friends let their hormones and the feeling of impending death overtake them. And it was in mid-kiss that Cordelia and Oz charged into the room ready to save the day. And have their hearts broken as a result. But Cordelia's pain didn't end there. As soon as the image of Xander and Willow completely registered in her mind, she snapped back around and within her first few steps, fell through the dilapidated stairs. And right through a rusty, metal rod, piercing her abdomen. Fortunately, the worst she got were a few stitches, and a few days off from school. But unfortunately, her broken heart wasn't so lucky. None of their hearts were.

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