Chapter 28

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She had been getting stares since the end of Magical Creatures. Which was really no surprise. There were the whispers and the usual averted gazes when she looked their way. The questioning eyes and skirt arounds. The only shocker was some of the praised looks she was receiving. That was definitely weird.

"You shouldn't've said anything," Neville had whispered to her during Herbology.

"Well between you and me," Buffy whispered back, "I think all of us haven't said anything for way too long."

Neville didn't respond as he turned his attention back to Professor Sprout, who continued in her explanation on the handling of Fanged Geranium. He carefully took notes and gave a steady eye as she handled the toothy plant. Making sure he had written all the information down, he turned back to Buffy.

"You know what happens during detention don't you?" he asked, worry seeping into his tone.

"Yeah, I know," she answered, subconsciously rubbing the back of her hand, and then pushing them to her sides when she realized what she was doing. "Who knows, maybe it won't be so bad. I always did have a high tolerance for pain."

Neville didn't seem so convinced as he gave a resigning sigh, a long-worried look and then turned his attention back to the lesson. It was like a stone settled in her chest at his concern. Hoping to lighten the mood, she gently shoved her shoulder into his arm until he looked her way.

"You gotta admit. That look on her face? Totally priceless."

The corners of his mouth twitched up and Buffy bumped his arm again when she saw the smile on his face. Now that was definitely better.

Half an hour later, Buffy came to find herself walking down the hall alone. One minute Neville was beside her and the next he had mumbled something and was gone. She was pretty sure she heard the word toilet in there somewhere – or maybe that's just what she figured. But a rumbling stomach waits for no man and she continued to make her way to the Great Hall to hopefully chow something down before her detention. Idly watching a pair of students that had walked right by her – right before she was yanked into a room.

Buffy let herself be pulled in as her kidnapper closed the door behind him. Adjusting the strap of her bag as she waited calmly for what was coming next.

"Have you gone completely out of your mind?" Draco nearly shouted. "What was going on in that thick head of yours? What were you thinking?"

Woah, reverse déjà vu.

"Hi, Draco, how are you? Me? I'm fine," she said with bright smile. Irritating him even further.

"Buffy, this is serious," he told her, his face hard and his jaw set. "Don't you know what Umbridge does to the students who serve detention with her?"

"Oh, you mean that little thing where she makes them carve into their own hands like a Thanksgiving Day turkey?"

"A what?"

"Never mind."

She really needed Xander around. This place was really bad for her witty quips.

"Buffy," he said in exasperation.

"Relax, Draco," she said soothingly. "I know exactly what Little Miss Sadist considers appropriate punishment."

"Then explain it to me, because I'm having a very difficult time trying to understand why you couldn't just stay quiet?" he asked.

"Boredom?" she said, pertly.

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