Chapter 3

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The sounds of waves crashing and rolling spread across the deserted beach. The clear blue sky homed squawking seagulls as they flew amongst the heavens. Why hadn't she come here before? The sereneness helped to ease the tension of so many toss-turning, if not sleepless, nights.

She wafted through the warm sand, enjoying a gentle breeze that blew past her as she made her way closer to the shoreline. She felt him even before her natural senses were aware of him. Soon his arms slowly wrapped around her, and she leaned her back into him, covering his arms with her own. Taking in the comfort she had been seeking for so long. The smell of him surrounding her, his skin engulfing her in warmth. She reached up, her hand resting on his face, needing to feel him as much as possible.

"How did you find me here?"

"If I was I blind I could see you," his voice caressed, healing part of the still open wounds.

She lowered her hand and rested it over his once more. Embracing his arms tightly around her waist. Needing the security he offered.

"Stay with me," she pleaded. He had been gone too long and she couldn't bear the thought of his leaving again.

"Always. That's the whole point. I'll never leave." He leaned in closer and whispered lovingly in her ear. "Not even if you kill me."

Buffy's eyes snapped open. There was no more ocean or sand. No more seagulls or sunlight. No more Angel. Her confused, barely awake, mind tried to decipher where she was exactly. There was a cupboard across from her and a window next to her bed. The past few weeks came back to her in an instant. Sighing, and blinking away the tears that had gathered throughout the night, Buffy threw off her covers and rose from the bed.

The clock beside her showed it was nearing seven a.m., and she grumbled lowly under her breath, any possibility of going back to sleep was not happening. Drowsily, she made her way to the bathroom, ready to start another uneventful day, trying her best to forget the nightmares that plagued her; and half an hour later, freshly washed and groomed, Buffy put on some proper clothes and made her way to her mother's room.

The house was quiet, as it usually was in the early morning with so few occupants. Buffy went to knock on her mother's bedroom door, waiting patiently until she was given the free and clear, but seconds passed without a welcome.

She knocked again. "Mom? Are you up?"

Hoping she wouldn't walk in on anything un-mom-like, Buffy opened the door and peeked in, but the room was empty. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and she was about to step in to have a look around when she heard the faint sound of voices. Ones that could only be picked up by supernatural hearing. Closing the door, Buffy quietly made her way down the corridors and down the stairs. Following the unseen trail of three distinct voices that were coming from the kitchen.

"How's he handling it?" The concerned voice of her mother wafted through the closed door.

"Not too well I'm afraid. He's completely distraught over the situation," Sirius's deep voice answered.

Buffy was about to press her ear against the door, to pick up the voices more clearly, when it suddenly flew open.

"It's not very polite to eaves drop," said Remus.

"Said the man with the werewolf hearing," Buffy retorted, reminding him of his own advantages.

Joyce's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at her daughter. "Buffy, what are you doing up so early?"

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