The Burden

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Obito: 'this bastard is ignoring me at this point... well i guess i will do the only thing mom was good at' *he grabs the fluffy slippers he is wearing and he slapped Kakashi with it on the face*

*Kakashi comes back to reality*

Kakashi: OWIIIEEE *he was about to fall when he grabed Obito taking him with him*

Obito: 👁️👁️💢 you-

Kakashi: Oh... *he looks at the position they are in*

Obito: *he lets go of him and watches with a smile as he falls on the ground*

Kakashi: MOTHERFU-

Obito: Ehheheheheheh come on one 8 inch fall won't make you break... Babykashi

Kakashi: You call me a baby, well I know how to use a microwave *he stands up*

Obito: 👹👹👹

Kakashi: Well here is your slipper *he puts it next to him on the ground*

Obito: Well you should stop being nice to me a lot, I know we are friends and all but you make me feel pathetic like you are just doing this out of sympathy and not because we are friends

Kakashi: Ne it's not that at all....

Obito: But it does look like it.

Kakashi mind: Yeah so i can get you faster in bed-

Kakashi: Listen Obito you are my friend alright... I am just doing this because I love you man you gotta understand that I am not doing this because I think you are pathetic, I am doing this because I am proving to you that I am a good friend

Obito:... *he stays quiet*

Kakashi: What do you want me to do to prove it to you

Obito: Tell me that I can fix my mistakes... *his tears already come out of his eyes* or help me... learn how to express my emotions without hurting anyone I love

Kakashi: Obito... *he gives him a gentle hug* i think you already know my advice... You can express your emotions to the ones you love... If you are right but it still hurts them... Then it's not your faulth... It's them that they don't understand... *he pats his head* tell them what you truly feel...

Obito: I don't want to lose anyone... I don't want to keep ruining stuff... it will hurt her to listen and i just want her... Tsunade is still like a mom to me....

Madara hearing this bullshit from the afterlife: 👁👁

Kakashi: With her you can be yourself Obito... She not only understands that but she already knows it

Obito: Then... let me get this off my chest could you take me to her house?

Kakashi: Obito if you aren't feeling well to do it now you don't have to force yourself...

Obito: No... I really need to get it off my head i just don't want the guilt to hunt me forever

Kakashi: As you wish... But first you have to cover yourself up because you will go out or do you want me to call her straight here?

Obito: *sighs*...hand me your damn clothes

Kakashi: Hehe... *after getting ready*

Kakashi: Alright you ready to go?

Obito: *dressed up like a bear*

Kakashi: Great! You can hold my hand if you want

Obito: Why the fuck did you dress me up like this!!?

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