Chapter 1: I'll make you a deal

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Harry ran as the rocks came crashing down, tripping over the rubble scattered on floor, and slammed into a wall. His ears rang as dust settled all around him.

"Harry?" Ron's voice was muffled but this at least told Harry that he was alive. He felt his heart beating against the confined of his ribs.

"Ron! Are you okay what happened?" He shouted so Ron could hear him.

"The idiot cast his memory charm, but my wand backfired and I can't find a way to get through" muffled clattering noises suggested to Harry that Ron was trying to shift the rock.

"Fuck, Ron I'll have to keep going I have to find her" Harry's head was swimming and nerves writhed in the pit of his stomach.

"Yeah, go Harry, I'll try and dig a hole out of here for when you, you both come back" his voice lacked certainty and Harry thought it might have cracked. Harry felt a wave of nerves course through him at the thought of heading down through the tunnel on his own.

Harry turned and followed the path along the tunnel. There was nowhere else to go. The disturbing crunching of bones soon gave way to the sound of slight splashes as he jogged along. His wand was out, and he was casting light along the tunnel until he could see a different light up ahead. This light was warmer, and Harry could tell it must be lanterns. He briefly felt like he might be sick. He reminded himself that he was doing this for Ron who was as close to being a brother as it was possible to be.

"Nox" he whispered and the light at the tip of his wand flickered out.

He slowed down as he came to end of the tunnel and then he saw her. Lying on the ground red hair splayed around her. It was then his pace turned into a run. He flung himself down next to her barely noticing as his wand clattered away from him.

"Ginny" he was shaking her shoulders trying to wake her up. Her eyes were closed so Harry assumed she must be asleep "Ginny!" her skin was cold and grey.

"That won't work" a delicate voice came from behind him.

Harry jumped and stood up. He hadn't noticed that there was anyone else in this larger secondary chamber. He immediately recognised him as Tom Riddle from the diary, from the memory. He was almost unbearably handsome with dark brown hair and eyes, pale skin and perfectly defined cheek and jaw bones.

"Tom? You have to help me. We have to get her out of here the last time someone was down here they died. Please."

"I don't think so Harry. I'm sorry" but there was no remorse in his voice or evident on his handsome face. Tom was looking at him with great interest but certainly no remorse. It was then that Harry noticed his hand. His hand that was holding Harry's wand.

"Tom, give me my wand back." A smile flickered across Tom's face and then left almost as quickly as it had come. Harry was struggling to interpret what his facial expressions meant.

"No, I don't think you will be needing it." Tom's voice was polite but clipped.

"Why wouldn't I need my wand?" Harry felt unease take over him.

"Because Ginny here isn't the only one who is going to die in here today" a cruel smile this time. His face was markedly less handsome when he allowed his cruel thoughts to show. Harry felt his stomach flip at his words.

"I must say it's a shame our time has been so short Harry. I would truly have loved to chat to you about all that you have done to vanquish The Dark Lord. Ginny told the stories so magically, but one has to wonder how much of it she has made up in her silly girlish mind" he tilted his head and looked down at Ginny.

"But why? Tom, I don't understand. Look we have to go there's a basilisk down here" he felt panic rising up inside him "we all need to get out of here" Harry could feel the frustration run up his neck and pulse in his head.

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