Chapter 25: The Other Tom

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Harry had managed to get some sleep although his dreams were full of dark memories. When he woke up he didn't feel rested but Tom lay next to him. His breathing sounded stronger but there was still no sign of him waking. He could hear sounds coming from the kitchen so hauled himself out of bed.

He froze when he entered the living room. The other Tom was sitting on the sofa watching Hermione and Ron talking. All three of them turned to look at Harry when he entered the room. Harry's eyes didn't move from Tom's red ones until Ron called his name.

"Harry" he was looking concerned "are you okay?"

"They can't see or hear me. Yet." Tom smirked at him.

Harry pulled his eyes away from Tom and looked toward Ron, "Yeah, I'm fine. I didn't sleep well that's all. My head feels a bit funny." He tried to smile but was sure it looked more like a grimace.

"Do you want a cup of tea?" Hermione asked him.

"Yeah, but I'll make it. Do either of you want one?" they both nodded at him, and he wandered through to the kitchen.

Tom stood right up behind him as Harry poured the water into three mugs.

"None for me. How rude" then he laughed and pulled Harry towards him. Harry tried to move his head away from him which only gave Tom room to nip along the pale column of Harry's neck. He thrust his elbow into Tom's stomach which finally caused him to move back.

"Stop it" Harry whispered angrily.

"Why? I'm having fun. Also, you don't need to speak out loud to me I can hear your thoughts perfectly" he smiled and even despite the differences in features Harry was struck by how handsome he was. Tom smirked at that and Harry glared at him. He cast a hover charm over the cups of tea and sent them flying through to the living room.

"How's your arm Hermione?" Harry asked suddenly feeling guilty he hadn't asked sooner.

"It's fine. I've been trying to read anything that might help us wake Tom up but there's not much information. Olivander seems to think we just need to let him sleep it off."

"His breathing sounds better this morning but he's really cold" Harry said quietly. Tom's arm wrapped possessively around his shoulder as they sat on the sofa. Ron and Hermione were together on the floor in front of the lit fire.

"Where did you sleep last night?" Harry asked.

"I transfigured the sofa into a bed" Hermione shrugged as if it was nothing.

"Even if you leave to wake up on his own, he needs nutrients." Hermione and Harry turned to look at Ron who just shrugged "My grandfather spent a few years in a sort of coma, and he was given nutrient potions in case he woke up. They prevent muscle wastage."

"Thanks Ron" something inside him swelled at Ron actively trying to help Tom 'Any chance you brough potion ingredients, a cauldron, and books?" Harry asked Hermione with a dry laugh.

"We could use one of the pots and the cooker. I brought some ingredients in case we ran into any emergencies, but I don't know how to make a nutrient potion and I don't know if it will be in any of my books, but I can certainly look now I have more of a focus." Harry got up and kneeled next to her before pulling her into a hug.

"I love you so much Hermione" he breathed into her ear. He sat back, "honestly, you are such a great friend I'm not sure I'd cope without you," he glanced at Ron "without either of you." Hermione pulled him back into another hug and then moments later Ron also threw his arm around them.

"He'll never forgive you for letting him sister die" Tom's bitter voice came from behind him somewhere.

"I love you too mate, but you really need a shower" Ron shoved at him and laughed.

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