Chapter 26: Forgiveness and Planning

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"All I'm saying is I don't understand how he's only been awake for five minutes and you've already got into a fight" Ron was being irritatingly observant.

"Ron, it's not our business" Hermione tried to dissuade him.

"How do you not get sick of these two. They are so irritating" Tom was sitting on the floor in front of the fire he was leaning back on his hands and Harry's eyes followed the lines of his stomach up to his long pale neck. Harry looked back towards Ron.

"I think he's just feeling out of it. Think how long he's been asleep for and I don't know I probably said something to annoy him," Harry shrugged

"You mean you did something that annoyed him" Tom smirked. Harry met his deep red eyes and felt heat creep up his neck.

"We need to think about our next move. We can't just hide out here forever and hope the war ends on its own" Hermione was picking nervously at her fingernails whilst she spoke. It became obvious to Harry then that Ron and Hermione had been wondering how to broach the topic of leaving the cottage with him. He felt anger flare briefly at being the subject of their conversation and then pushed it aside.

"I agree. We need to find the next horcuxes," Harry sighed.

"Mate, I don't want another argument but we need to destroy them" Harry's eyes flickered toward Ton at Ron's words, Ron held his hands up to stop Harry from speaking over him "look, I'm not saying anything about the diary or Tom but I think we need a plan to destroy the locket and any others we find."

Harry took a deep breath, "I agree". Ron and Hermione exchanged looks and Tom's expression darkened.

"I didn't have you pegged as a murderer darling," his voice was cold and made Harry shiver.

"I'm going to go get Tom. He's better than me at planning stuff," another look passed between Ron and Hermione. Harry tried to ignore them.

Harry walked along the short corridor trying to think about what to say to Tom. It was true that they needed his help. Tom was being incredibly difficult and refusing to speak to Harry. Even when Harry tried to cuddle up next to him in bed he held himself rigid and refused to acknowledge Harry's presence.

He knocked on the door before entering. Tom was dressed but lying back on the bed reading something that Harry assumed to be ancient runes related judging by the cover.

"Tom?" he didn't even look up. Harry sighed, closed the door and cast a privacy charm. He walked round to the side of the bed and stretched out his hand to take the book away. Tom was faster though and grabbed Harry's wrist and twisted.

"Aaah, what the fuck?" He pulled his hand back and inspected the red marks on his wrist. Tom shut the book with a snap. In a fluid motion he was standing in front of Harry who noticed his mouth had gone very dry. He had forgotten what Tom could be like, the way his emotions got the better of him and the way he enjoyed being violent.

"What?" Tom snarled as he put two hands on Harry's shoulders and pushed, hard. Harry stumbled back a few paces. His eyes flickered between Tom and the door. He wasn't as quick as Tom though who was back in front of him, a human barrier between him and any escape route.

"We wanted to talk to you about our next plan. We need to move on from here and need... I wanted your help" green eyes skirted over Tom's shoulder to the door.

"Looking for an escape route?" Tom's voice was dull.

"No, I just want you to come out there with me," Harry cringed at hearing the begging tone in his voice.

"Why do you think I want to do anything that you ask of me?"

"Oh, come on Tom, the sooner we finish this the sooner we can..." he trailed off. The thought of Tom walking away from him felt like a knife being driven through his chest.

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