Chapter 29: Back to Hogwarts

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Alarms blared all around them as soon as they squeezed into existence in Hogsmeade. They stared wide-eyed at each other before Tom pointed to the path leading out of the village and told them to run.

In the time they'd been away Harry had forgotten that it was a fair distance up the path that led past some more unsavoury haunts along with the pub that Harry recognised as where he and Tom spent what he'd thought of as their 'first date'. He could hear the sounds of apparition coming from down in the village along with voiced shouting.

"What are we going to do? We can't all fit under the cloak," Hermione whispered the anxiety clear in her voice.

"Oi, you four get inside before you get yourself killed." A gruff voice came from behind them. The owner of the Hogs Head was ushering them inside with an obvious sense of urgency.


Severus felt the hairs on his arm stand on end as the wards around the village of Hogsmeade were breached. He placed four cool fingertips to his forehead and let out a long sigh. He had helped The Dark Lord add extra wards to the village to ensure they would know immediately if anyone stepped foot within its limits during curfew hours.

He closed his eyes and sat back in the headmaster's chair. He refused to look at any of the paintings of former headmasters and especially wouldn't look at the painting of Dumbledore who stayed almost completely motionless. Sometimes when Severus closed his eyes usually in the early hours of the morning, he could feel his heart break as he cast the killing curse at the old man. Orders were orders. He wondered if Potter and his friends knew they were coming into a castle with him as Headmaster. The Daily Prophet never reported it was Severus who killed him. Would Potter have managed to read the Prophet wherever he was?

He knew he had to move and instruct the Carrows that Potter might be trying to get into the castle, but he was just so tired. Actually, tired didn't cover it, he was exhausted. If The Dark Lord told him it was his turn to die then he would do so gladly just to get some peace.

Severus slowly got to his feet and made his way across the headmaster's office, an office he had never and could never think of as his own. He would tell them to split up to protect different parts of the castle. He would never admit it out loud but he knew that if Potter was to come up against a Death Eater one on one or with his friends it would be the Death Eater needing medical attention and that worked out perfectly well for Severus.

His robes billowed behind him as he stalked towards the staff room. To his delight Minerva came out of the staff room slamming the door behind her.

"Minerva, the wards in Hogsmeade have been tripped. I think it would be prudent to ensure all pupils are in their dormitories prior to any visitors arriving." The transfiguration teacher narrowed her eyes at him and pursed her lips.

"Certainly Headmaster," her voice was clipped and she walked away from Severus hurriedly. He held in a sigh and closed his eyes briefly. If only he too could hide away in a child's dormitory feeling the warmth of the fires and mock safety of hiding under bed covers. When he was dead would they ever figure out his true alliances or would he go down as Voldemort's right-hand man?

The door sounded again.

"Snape?" Alecto Carrow's sharp face was leering at him.

"It's time. He's coming."


"I can't believe you're all here," Harry was looking around the room of requirement at the faces he had missed for the last year.

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