Chapter 31: SOS - Save our Souls

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Harry looked around the cavernous room in shock. The room looked like it went on for an eternity. There was so much stuff in front of them, bookshelves, sofas, a giant wardrobe, even a few birdcages.

"How are we going to find anything in here?" Harry whispered even though they were alone. The room gave of the same energy as a library.

"I'm hoping I'll be able to sense it. I can tell it's in here but it's not as obvious as the cup or the-" he glanced down to where he knew the locket sat under Harry's t-shirt, "it's not like it's awake in the same way."

"That's creepy," Harry murmured.

"Or useful," Tom shrugged and started off towards an aisle that looked like it would take them into the centre of the room.

Harry stood where he was for a moment swithering about whether he should follow Tom. In the end he decided that as he couldn't sense the horcruxes he should stick near Tom. Who knows what would happen if he found it. Knowing Tom he'd probably lie about it anyway.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry asked quietly as he caught up with Tom.

"You just did," Tom was running his hands over some of the books on a nearby shelf. He picked one out and studied it for a minute.

"Do you have that pouch on you?" Harry nodded, "put this in there will you," it wasn't a question. Harry took the black book and tried to read the title, but it was faded and in a different language. He looked back up at Tom who had an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face.

"If you had been looking into how to reabsorb horcruxes then why haven't you done it to me if you believe I am one?"

"It's a tricky process and what if it hadn't worked?"

"Careful there Tom, you're coming a bit close to admitting some feelings there," it was Harry's turn to smirk.

Tom took a step towards Harry, and he felt his breath hitch, "I've told you lots of times I care," his hand fisted in the front of Harry's shirt before pulling him for a violent kiss. He pushed Harry backward and his back hit the bookshelves painfully. Tom's eyes glittered and he had a dangerous smile on his face.

"Death eaters in the school remember," Harry breathed. Tom shrugged but turned to keep looking.

Harry felt like he had been walking for ages when Tom suddenly stopped and flung his arm out causing Harry to grunt as he walked into him.

"Shh," he hissed. Harry rolled his eyes.

Tom's brown eyes were darting around the small enclosure of stuff they were currently standing in.

"It's definitely here," he whispered. He clambered onto a sofa and tried to balance on the back of it to see what was on top of a pile of books behind it. He was shaking his head and murmuring under his breath. A couple of old broomsticks were propped up against a nearby desk with deep ink stains across the surface.

"Here," Tom grabbed one and flung it at him, "go see if it's on top of that pile."

Harry snatched it from him. "Feel free to say please you dick," he had kicked off the ground before Tom managed to hit him.

Harry squinted at all the stuff around him. He flew toward a tall cabinet but there was nothing on top of it and just as he was turning away he thought he saw the glint of something near the top of yet another bookshelf. The broomstick juddered a bit as he flew towards it, stretched out his hand and then a flash of red soared past him.

"What the fuck, Tom," this time it was green that flashed past him and then he heard screaming. He glanced down and saw the bright blonde head of someone who could only be Malfoy.

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