Chapter 18: Shrieking in the Shack

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"You know people only thought this place was haunted because my dad and a bunch of his friends would come here during the full moon and one of them would change into a werewolf" Harry leaned back again Tom in the bath. The water was relaxing and Tom's legs resting either side of his were making him feel warm and safe.

"Friends with werewolves, are we?" Tom drawled from behind him.

"He was the best Defence teacher we ever had. It was shit when everyone found out and he had to leave."

"I'm sorry but Dumbledore let a werewolf into Hogwarts? That man is mental" Harry could feel Tom shaking him head.

"He wasn't dangerous. Some people are just bigots" his relaxation was ebbing away as he realised a fight was coming on.

"It's not bigotry. Regardless of what he was like as a teacher having a werewolf on the grounds once a month is such a huge risk to the safety of the pupils. Surely you can see that, Harry?" Harry didn't reply he wanted to stay firm on his opinion about Lupin but actually Tom raised a good point.

"Ron has a girlfriend," he picked the first thing that came into his head in order to change the subject.

"Are you jealous?" Harry rolled his eyes even though Tom couldn't see him.

"Ha ha. Of course not. It's making Hermione really jealous though. They don't speak to each other anymore and I'm always caught in the middle." He sighed.

"To be honest Harry I don't really want to hear about the mundane shit that happens to you at school" Harry shifted in the water to look at Tom who was scowling.

"What you just don't care?"

"Not really" he shrugged and lifted himself out of the water.

"What am I even doing here then?" Harry felt anger rise inside him.

"You come here to fuck me. Sorry no you come here so I can fuck you" Tom smirked at him.

Harry just gaped at him. That wasn't really what he thought was it?

"That's really unfair" he whispered quietly. Tom had wrapped a towel around his waist and left Harry alone in the bath. Harry took deep breathes to try and calm his anger. He realised tears were threatening to escape him. He refused to cry in front of Tom. He dried himself quickly and put his clothes on.

When Tom realised Harry was dressed, he moved quickly to the bedroom door.

"What are doing?" it was hard to read his expression, but Harry thought he looked confused and put out.

"Surely with your great intellect you can figure it out. Move away from the door Tom." Harry's voice was cold.

"Make me," Tom smirked, he loved a game of cat and mouse.

Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a minute. Thousands of thoughts swirled around his brain all trying to push themselves to the front. He took out his wand and pointed it at Tom "move away from the door." Tom was still standing in his towel his wand on the bedside table. He held his hands up as if he was giving up and moved out of the way. Just as Harry got to the door Tom's arm shot out to block the doorway.

"Don't leave" Tom whispered.

"Give me a reason that's got nothing to do with sex," Harry clenched his teeth and looked at the floor. Part of him wanted Tom to fail and say something rude so he could leave and the other part, which was much bigger, wanted Tom to say he loved him and wanted to spend time with him. He felt so pathetic.

"You know I like spending time with you Harry. I like being close to another piece of myself."

"There's no piece of you in me," Tom winked, and Harry rolled his eyes.

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