Chapter 3: Scared of the Dark

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The door of Number 4 Privet Drive slammed shut behind him. Harry had stormed out into the cold before really thinking about what he was doing. It was dark with only the dim lights from the streetlamps to light his way as he walked slowly along the pavement dragging his trunk behind him. He mentally cursed wizards for not thinking to put wheels on the trunks of underage wizards.

Now that he was further away from the house the space seemed to give him some clarity. What on earth was he doing and more importantly what the fuck had just happened? One minute Aunt Marge was banging on about how much of a waste of space his dad had been and the next thing it was like she was being blown up like a balloon. He couldn't go back. It had been a while since Harry had seen Vernon Dursley that angry, but Harry knew nothing good would be waiting for him at number 4 Privet Drive.

He finally stopped walking and flung himself on a bench that looked onto the park. He could hear the swings slowly squeaking in the wind. He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with his thumbs trying to think of a plan. How was he going to get to anywhere? Everywhere he could think of that he could go was miles away and he didn't have any way to get in touch with Ron or Dumbledore or anyone. Hedwig hadn't been home from hunting since the night before, so he had no means to send a letter. He couldn't fly with his trunk.

Harry still had his eyes closed when he heard a rustle from behind him. He turned quickly trying to focus his eyes in the darkness. There was nothing there. Or was there...

"Tom...?" Harry said although he thought the noise had sounded more like an animal rather than anything else.

CRACK. Harry almost dropped his wand the noise gave him such a fright.

"You called dear?" it was hard to tell if he was joking or annoyed. His face showed no emotion whether positive or negative. The dim lights were casting shadows on his face.

"Did I? Surely you can't hear whatever I'm saying?" Tom was still standing, and Harry half wanted to ask him to sit down next to him.

"Thankfully no I can't hear your every word. You said my name and you're frightened so here I am. Just checking to make sure you aren't dead" he winked, and Harry felt a flush creep up his neck.

"I am not frightened I got a fright by a noise there's a difference" he said coldly. Harry wasn't about to admit to being scared even though clearly it made sense that the bond created by the oath would let Tom know if Harry was scared. How else would he know if Harry was in trouble? He hadn't every bothered to stop and think about how the oath might work. Would Tom know if he started spilling their secrets?

"Well," he sat down a touch to close to Harry which he was sure was intended to make him feel uncomfortable "I didn't think you'd be afraid of the dark Harry".

"Fuck off I'm not afraid of the dark" Harry grumbled.

Anger flashed across Tom's previously schooled features. Harry was suddenly very aware of a wand pointing at his neck and he had no idea how it had got there so fast.

"I advise you don't speak to me like that in the future Harry" he whispered so close to Harry's ear he could feel his hot breath. Despite knowing he should be scared by this instead he could feel a blush creep across his face and was glad of the darkness.

Another rustling noise and a growl made Tom move his wand from Harry and point behind him.

"Avada" Harry flung his hand over Tom's mouth. His eyes widened and Harry knew he had done something stupid.

"It'll be a fox or something you can't go killing random animals" it annoyed him that he could hear the pleading tone in his voice he didn't want to show any weakness to Tom, not after their last meeting.

"So, who cares" Tom shrugged but he put his wand was away again. Harry felt the urge to say something about Tom's mood swings but held it back not wanting to be hexed.

"Are you going to tell me why we are out here in the dark having a chat?" he sounded bored.

"I just left my Aunt and Uncle's house. I accidentally blew up my Aunt Marge..." Harry was looking at his hands as he spoke. When he heard the genuine laughter coming from next to him, he looked up at Tom who was properly laughing. It was a lovely noise and sight. His laughter was so smooth. His shoulders were vibrating, and his eyes were dancing with joy. So much so Harry found himself joining in.

"And you just shouted at me for almost killing a stupid fox" he sighed "I don't understand you lot sometimes".

"What does that mean? What's 'you lot'?"

"Oh, you know, the people that care so much for small animals and their friends but then go and do something horrible like, I don't know, blow up a relative say. You know the hypocrites... " Harry could tell by the way Tom was looking him that he wanted him to say something annoying, something to make him angry again.

"It was an accident. I didn't do it on purpose" he mumbled not keen to give Tom the satisfaction.

"Accidental magic at thirteen. That's embarrassing it's like announcing to the world you have no control" he was goading him.

"Yes, thank you" Harry rolled his eyes which he saw to his pleasure caused a flicker of annoyance to cross Tom's otherwise pretty face "can you help me?"

"With what?"

"Well how did you get here? Can you take me somewhere? I can't stay out here all night and you're supposed to help me!" Harry was cursing himself as even he could hear the slight panic in his voice which meant Tom definitely could. He hated giving him the satisfaction. Residual anger from what happened in the chamber still burned inside him.

"I don't think that was the deal, dear" he was shaking his head "I'm not oath bound to help you, just stop you being killed".

"What if I am killed out here in the middle of the night".

Tom rolled his eyes "a regular old damsel in distress you are. Stick out your wand arm and everything will be fine".

Harry frowned. Was Tom trying to make him look like an idiot? Then he decided he didn't have much of a choice so pulled out his wand and flung out his right arm.

Two things happened at the same time. A bang so loud Harry felt it vibrate in his bones and the flashing of bright lights almost blinding him. He gasped as a huge, bright purple; triple decker bus appeared in front of him out of nowhere. In the noise and light Tom had disappeared. He glanced around for him and then back toward the bushes behind where he had just been sitting, he saw the biggest black dog he had ever seen in his life. He blinked. Like Tom, it too was gone.

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