Chapter 12: What are you hiding?

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Harry took some time away from Tom over the following weeks. He tried to focus on occlumency with Snape, the DA and his homework. Every time the thought of Tom came unwanted into his head he distracted himself with naming items around him until he could focus again. At night he felt as though Tom was flooding his brain and all he could think about was his hands on him and the way they made him feel.

The post owls flew in on the last Thursday of January and a large brown barn owl stopped in front of Harry. It had a cardboard box attached to its foot. He untied it and the owl flew off immediately.

"Is it from Snuffles?" Ron whispered next to him.

Harry shrugged and opened the box. Inside was a slice of treacle tart. He couldn't help the smile that broke across his face. Written in Tom's beautiful handwriting across the underside of the lid was 'come see me'. He felt his stomach flip.

"You're not eating that for breakfast are you?" Hermione sounded scandalised. Harry remembered her parents were dentists.

"Yes, I am" he laughed. When he had finished, he slid the box into his school bag.

"You'll be sneaking out again tonight then?" Ron asked winking. Harry felt his blood run cold.

"Pardon?" Hermione was gaping at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Harry shrugged.

"Oh, come on mate. You fooled me once or twice, but you've been sneaking out to see whoever" he wiggled his eyebrows "stopped for a while though". Harry gaped at him.

"Harry, that's not true, is it?" Harry sighed and clenched his fists trying to keep control of his anger.

"Of course, not Hermione" Harry grabbed his bag and walked out of the Great Hall alone.


"Harry, I feel like you're hiding stuff from us. Seeing you upset at Christmas was really worrying and I don't know how to help or what to do" Hermione had slid into the seat next to him at lunch.

"I don't need any help 'Mione" he smiled at her in what he hoped was a reassuring way.

"If Ron says you've been sneaking out of bed then where are you going and who with? Surely if you have a boyfriend you can introduce us?" Harry took a deep breath and tried to remind himself that she didn't mean anything by her questions and she wasn't trying to make him angry. But she was.

"Look it's just not really like that. Honestly Hermione I'm fine. I'd tell you if there was a problem" he turned to Neville who was sitting opposite him and asked about their Herbology homework. Neville was only too glad to start chatting about bubotubers.


Harry walked up the stairs of the Shrieking Shack with his cloak on. His footsteps were muffled by the dust. Butterflies swarmed Harry's stomach.

"Hi" Tom seemed to be looking right at him but he couldn't be.

Harry tugged his hood down "could you tell I was there?"

"Yeah I have a Harry Potter spidey-sense. That's a muggle thing" he smiled.

"Yes Tom, I know what a spidey-sense is, although, I'm surprised you do" Harry rolled his eyes.

The awkwardness rolled in on them. Harry wasn't sure what to say or how to make everything seem normal. Tom wasn't sure how to play this. Should he mention last time they were here or try to move past it. It was hard trying to figure out what Harry would want. He was unpredictable like that and Tom was coming to the unfortunate realisation he quite liked Harry's unpredictable nature.

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