Chapter 27: Voldemort

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"Crucio" the cold high-pitched voice rang out across the entrance hall before being drowned out by screams.

"My Lord, I have the Prophet" Lucius was practically bend double, his hand shaking as he held out the yellowing paper towards his master.

Emblazoned across the front page was the headline Security Breach at Gringotts along with an almost full-page picture of the ruined roof. Voldemort's cold, red eyes surveyed the paper before lazily flicking his wand. Lucius dropped the burning paper and watched as it smouldered and curled on his marble flooring. He glanced towards the goblin sitting shaking as the aftereffects of the cruciatus curse tore through his body.

"Where is Bellatrix?"

"I believe she is in the library my Lord" Lucius had still not stood to his complete height, and this irritated Voldemort. How had he ended up with such a pathetic man as his servant. He sighed.

"I need you to bring me Severus. I'll be in the library when he arrives," he turned, and his robes billowed behind him.

As he made his way towards the library, he wondered what life must have been like for the young Malfoy growing up in this mansion of a home. He hated the orphanage and being around other children but perhaps Draco was lonely. The décor in Malfoy Manor was clinical and cold. From what he had seen of any interactions between Draco and Lucius they weren't close. Hadn't he heard somewhere that boys tended to be closer to their mothers? He wouldn't know. He gave himself a shake. Where were these thoughts coming from? What did he care about other people's childhoods?

He opened the door to the library with a flick of his wand. Bellatrix was standing with her back to the door, looking out the window but her wand was in her hand. She wasn't one to be caught unawares and Voldemort was sure he had seen her head twitch ever so slightly.

"Sit Bella, we have much to discuss," his tone was icy and clipped. Bella inclined her head and moved to sit on one of the tall, backed chairs close to the unlit fireplace, "no not there." Bella turned and long black hair swished behind her as she kneeled in one fluid motion onto the cold, marble floor.

"My Lord" he dipped her head and waited.

"Why did Harry Potter break into Gringotts?" he asked in a conversational tone that would lull those who didn't know him well into a false sense of security.

"I don't know My Lord" Bellatrix's eyes did not leave the floor.

"Do not lie" Voldemort enjoyed the way her body shuddered at the tone of his voice.

"Master I swear-" her words transformed into screams as Voldemort's curse hit her in the chest. Whilst her bony body was still trembling from the effects of the pain that had wracked through her Voldemort cast his legilimens.

He searched through her memories for what he was looking for. He ignored the screams that were no doubt coming from Bella again as he tore through her mind. Flashes of different days came and went but he knew he was looking for three teenagers.

He found what he was looking for fairly quicky, this was something he did regularly to check the faithfulness of his servants. A young girl was screaming as Bellatrix drew a knife along her arm.

"How did you get the sword?" Bellatrix was screaming.

"I don't know" the girl was sweating and clearly trying not to cry or scream. She might only be a teenager but she was clearly strong willed.

"What else did you take?" Bellatrix's eyes were flashing in anger, tiny droplets of spit were flying from her mouth as she shouted. Voldemort had seen enough and pulled out of Bellatrix's head forcefully tearing another scream from her throat.

She was lying in a foetal position, and he took a deep steading breath. He raised his wand and thought he had killed for less.

A knock at the door stilled his hand.

"My Lord?" Severus Snape bowed low to him as he pushed open the heavy door.

"Bellatrix leave us, I will deal with you later" he pushed his anger away but noted the dirty look Bellatrix gave Severus.

"Severus please sit," he gestured to one of the many seats. Severus fluidly sat and waited for Voldemort to speak.

"Bellatrix has made a foolish mistake," Severus inclined his head but said nothing, "I believe something of importance of mine may be in danger at Hogwarts."

"My Lord?" Severus' looked dutifully confused.

"I believe the Potter boy may try and enter the school to retrieve it. I have set up extra protection around Hogsmeade and of course I have the Carrows in the castle along with you. All I need you to do is alert me immediately if you hear wind of the boy anywhere near the castle. Even if it appears to only be whispers."

"Of course Master" he bowed his head and long greasy strands of hair fell forward into his face.

"Severus I must ask you something that you may not be able to answer," the potions master inclined his head which reminded Voldemort why he liked him so much, he didn't fill the room with useless talk.

"What do you know about horcruxes?" surprise flashed across Severus' face before it was schooled back into passive indifference.

"I must admit to knowing very little My Lord. I know they are objects holding parts of a wizard's soul and I know a little around the way they are made but certainly not enough to make me an authority on the matter. Is there something specific I can investigate?" Voldemort narrowed his red eyes at his most faithful servant.

"My concern lies more in how a horcrux can change over time."

"Again, I am no expert but I wouldn't have thought the piece of soul encased in the object would change over time. If it was corporeal then of course it would be to all intents and purposes alive."

"So, you believe that as long as a horcrux was still within its object no changes in the wizard would be felt?" He couldn't decide how much should be revealed now he was discussing the matter. Voldemort wasn't sure whether it would ever be a good idea to let his servants know how he was currently feeling. At times he was cold and levelheaded, then anger would course through him, jealously and rage.

"I don't feel I know enough to say with any certainty but perhaps if you told me what you needed me to look into I could find something that may help?"

"No. This is all Severus you may return to Hogwarts and any word of Potter you know what to do," he stretch out his hand and Severus kissed the back of it before bowing low and exiting the room.

Now, should he kill the idiot woman upstairs...

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