Chapter 20: Lost

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As Harry walked along the tunnel leading from the whomping willow to the shrieking shack his mind raced. He was struggling to concentrate on anything important at the moment. He kept thinking about Dumbledore's words to him.

The horcruxes must all be destroyed. Only then can Voldemort be destroyed forever. Every single one must be destroyed, Harry. You understand what that means don't you?

He would be doing something completely unrelated, and the words would float into his head. How could Dumbledore possibly think he'd be able to kill Tom. He remembered when he first met Sirius, he had genuinely believed he was the reason his parents were dead and yet he couldn't do so much as cast a simple hex at him. Sure, he'd punched him but that was different and if needed he could definitely punch Tom. There was no way he'd be able to kill Tom.

When Harry finally entered the Shack he noticed there was light coming from one the downstairs rooms. He pushed the door open and was welcomed by a fire crackling and candles surrounded the walls. Tom was lying on a rug in front of the fire reading a book that didn't appear to have a title.

"You came" Tom smiled, and Harry felt his stomach jolt. He really was very attractive when he smiled. Harry just nodded and placed his bag and cloak on the sofa that looked about a hundred years old. He sat down right at the edge and began picking at the skin surrounding his fingernails.

"You're so far away. Come over here in front of the fire." Harry noticed that there was an open bottle of wine and two glasses on the hearth. Harry slipped forward off the sofa and moved so he was cross-legged next to Tom.

"Wine?" Harry nodded. He took the glass of red liquid and sipped. It was certainly nicer than whiskey.

"So, how are you? You look tired." He reached out to take Harry's empty hand.

"I am tired." Harry sighed.

"School work? Or stuff to do with Dumbledore and my horcruxes?" Harry was surprised that Tom had asked so outright and so soon after he arrived, "we don't have to talk about it if you don't want." Harry nodded and took another sip of his wine.

Tom had been putting it mildly when he said Harry looked tired. He had dark purple circles under his eyes. His eyes were just as vivid as usual, their green reflecting the fire beautifully. Normally those eyes were fierce, angry at times but always alight with something. Today they looked blank, still beautiful but blank. His hair was as messy as usual, and the fire was making the tips look slightly red. He was beautiful really, like a treasure that should be kept behind glass. Except he was more beautiful when he had Tom's bruises up and down his body, his clear sign of ownership.

"You look beautiful right now," Tom had spoken out loud before he really registered what he was saying.

"I thought I looked tired," Harry didn't sound angry, but he didn't sound like he believed him.

"You can be both," Tom shrugged. Harry nodded and turned his gaze back towards the fire.

Tom was trying to think of something to say. He wasn't used to walking on eggshells around anyone. That was everyone else's job. However, Harry wasn't just anyone. He currently had his ring and probably another part of his soul inside him. Sometimes it was just so hard to figure him out. Due to being so lost in his own thoughts he got a fright when a sudden mass of dark hair blurred his vision. Then Harry's mouth was on his and Tom could taste the wine on him.

He let Harry roll him over onto his back and their legs intertwined so tightly that Tom recognised immediately when Harry was getting hard. He raised his hands to Harry's hair, but Harry grabbed his wrists and pinned them down to the floor. He released a moan as Harry ground against his pelvis. When Harry let go of his wrists, he moved quickly to Tom's t-shirt pulling him up and tugged the shirt up and over his head. He pushed him back down and trailed his tongue down the side of his throat. Another guttural moan came crashing out of him as Harry gently nipped at one of his nipples and a hand began undoing the buttons on his trousers. He brought his own hands down to help and then Harry was tugging them off. Intense green eyes surveyed his naked body and Tom realised that he had never let someone else take control like this. Harry was still completely dressed and was just looking at him, despite being very comfortable in his own skin he flushed at the feeling of being scrutinised.

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