Chapter 21: Not Kids Anymore

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Harry sat letting the words of the small, tufty haired wizard wash over him. He felt like someone had turned off a switch to his brain. How could Dumbledore be dead? The only wizard that Voldemort had ever feared was now gone. It took McGonagall a long time to believe it had really been Snape who had cast the final curse. It was supposed to be Malfoy that much was clear, and if Dumbledore hadn't wasted him time immobilising Harry, then he would have been able to defend himself. He was sick of seeing people die. He was angry and a whole list of other emotions he couldn't put a name to.

There was a sickening feeling in his stomach knowing that Voldemort would know what they had done. Even if he didn't know right now, he would know at some point. He thought about what he had discussed with Dumbledore. Harry had the ring, and the diary was now a living breathing human. There was still the real locket out there somewhere, the Hufflepuff cup he had taken from Hepzibah Smith, the snake and something else if Dumbledore was right about seven horcruxes.

Harry had been in dangerous situations many times before, but he suddenly felt very concerned for his welfare and those around him. He couldn't get the images of his friends fighting for their lives out of his head. Or the flash of green as Dumbledore fell from the astronomy tower.

"You know I can't come back here," Harry was up in the astronomy tower, a place of guaranteed peace as nobody else was coming up here. It was a raw, emotional place to be, but he was alone, mostly.

"We know," Hermione wrapped an arm around his waist.

"You know we are coming with you, mate" Ron stood close to him but didn't touch him.

"You don't have to. It'll be dangerous and honestly I don't know where to start looking for the horcruxes."

"Where you go, Harry, we go." Hermione said giving him a squeeze.

"We need to be at the wedding first and then we can figure it out."

"The wedding?" Harry tried to find information relating to a wedding in his brain but was coming up empty.

"Bill and Fleur. Mum will never forgive us if we don't go. We can leave right after, but we have to go." Ron's voice was firm, so Harry didn't bother arguing.


Molly was making sure it was near impossible for Harry, Ron and Hermione to speak to each other. Every time they got within ten feet of one another Molly would appear to give them new jobs to complete.

Harry was thankful he had sent Tom a letter letting him know he was at the Burrow for a wedding. He hadn't received anything back but he wouldn't have had time to reply anyway. In fact, the only time he felt like he'd managed to slow down was when Sirius came to visit.

"Hi kid" he folded Harry in his strong arms and squeezed.

"Hi" Harry felt himself relax into Sirius' hug.

"How are you?" Sirius held him at arm's length "you need to sleep more."

"Yeah, I know. I just keep seeing him following Hagrid and me and people getting hurt. My brain just won't switch off." The look of concern on Sirius' face made him wish he hadn't mentioned anything.

"Molly says you lot aren't going back to school?" Harry would have been grateful for the change of topic but he didn't really want to discuss this either.

"I can't go back. I have a job from Dumbledore to do. I've said to Ron and Hermione they don't have to come. I don't want them to get hurt..." He trailed off.

"I could come with you?"

"I think the more of us that go the more likely we are to be found. You should stay and make sure everyone here is safe. Especially the Weasleys, I don't think I'd cope if another one of Molly and Arthur's children died because of me." He closed his eyes to try and stop tears from escaping him.

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