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They were so easy to lure in. She didn't even have to use her Siren abilities, she'd walk into a room and their thirsty eyes would be on her immediately. Some girls too, but they were more of an entertaining challenge to impress. It would be so easy to bed them with the way they stared at her but she wasn't the type to sleep around. Occasionally she had but that was on the occasion that she desperately needed a distraction.

"Hey humans," she smirked at the table, approaching with a tray of drinks in hand. They all raised their glances

"Humans huh, so what does that make you?" one of the girls, Kacy, asked. Talia was out with her friends at a club, Pandemonium. Whilst she noticed many downworlders roamed the area, her friends didn't for the simple fact that they were humans she had met whilst she was trying to blend in and maintain a regular life amongst the mundane.

"An alien from Krypton, obviously," she shrugged. She was a fan of superheroes, she enjoyed the way they reminded her of a life she had and a friend she once knew.

"Okay Kara Danvers, take a seat," another of her other friends laughed, taking one of the drinks off of the tray. Talia took her fanta as well, slipping the straw in and she began sipping on it as she sat down.

"I actually despise paper straws," she sighed, feeling it already go soggy. As she looked at it, she saw her red lipstick had stained it already.

"Oh don't tell me you're going to join in on Kacy's serious hatred for turtles," Olivia chuckled.

"I don't hate them! I just question their existence sometimes," the girl had frowned.

Talia had actually seen a turtle choking on the plastic once and had to rush to save it. She'd also seen many fish doing the same thing and she understood why there was a ban on plastic but honestly, banning plastic straws but serving the drinks in plastic cups made little sense to her.

"Well without them there would be a decline in seagrass beds which many species are dependant on for their own survival so the species would deplete majorly," Talia spoke as if it were common knowledge.

"Right, forgot you're knowledgeable in all things animals."

"No, just sea animals. Also, turtles kinda scare me. I've seen one and they stare at you so weirdly," she'd actually seen quite a few, and though she had helped them out, she did it with fear instilled within her.

"Enough about animals, I think we should take this to the floor," one of the girls, Melora, had risen from her seat to push the other three girls up.

"I think I'll stay here," Talia began to swirl her straw around the little space she could. As the others got up, she was forced to as well so they could slip out.

"Oh come on Talia. You're easily the most flirty one here and you could bag any person here, yet you won't."

"I just think making love should be a more intimate thing," she mumbled.

"Oh come on, you've been going away with strangers a bit more recently now. I thought you'd given up on that mindset," her friends had stopped moving, wanting to encourage the girl to enjoy herself. Talia wouldn't lie, she had been doing exactly that a lot more recently but she had her reasons. Usually it was if she desperately needed some sort of distraction from the physical pain she was feeling but the main reason was because she was starting to reach an age where she'd stop actually aging. She was immortal and that was going to begin showing soon and the reminder of that was painful as she knew that finding a lover would prove to be pointless.

They'd be a painful chapter in her life whilst she could very well be their whole life. She couldn't grow old with them. Finding love would be pointless now but she still wanted some hope.

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