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Talia stood in front of the full length oval mirror that stood in the corner of her room, her back to the mirror with her head turned at an angle where she could see it. She crossed her arm over her chest, pulling down the opposite end of the black sports bra she wore and she saw a giant scar beginning to form, similar to the one beside it which was partially covered by the garment.

"Looks like I'll be paying Magnus a visit soon," she mumbled, letting go of the bra as she began shuffling her shoulders. She moved her arm back, massaging around the area.

This pain was a common occurrence for her and so she hadn't been lying when she assured Isabelle that she was okay. She was, it was just a temporary pain.

She rummaged around her drawers, picking up a packet of pills. Sighing and deciding she'd need to ask Magnus for more during her next visit, she took the last one out, chucking it down her throat and swallowing it dry.

She put on black vest to cover up the scar, deciding she was feeling too hot to fully cover up. She then ruffled around with her hair, her appearance and seductiveness being her biggest weapon. She sat down, figuring she had some time to fix up her makeup.

That being said and done, she created a portal and pictured the Hotel Dumoort. When she stepped through the blue swirls of water, she found she was exactly where she wanted to be.

Up ahead, she saw two approaching figures. Clary's bright red hair stood out to her so she knew she didn't have to hide, simply waiting for the two to approach.

"Talia, you're right on time," Clary spoke. She was relieved she had another person there, the more people, the safer she felt. Especially with two of the group members missing.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world love, where are the others?" She asked, noticing neither Izzy nor Alec were nearby.

"Alec headed back to the institute to get his bow, Izzy's getting intel. They're meeting us here," Jace explained as quickly as possible. Talia wanted to question why Alec did that knowing that there was a reason they didn't do that in the first place, but knew they didn't have time.

"Right, I'll lead the way then?" Talia offered. "Come in a couple minutes after me."

"What? Are we not walking in at the same time? Should we not, it's our safest bet?" Clary wondered aloud.

"I would but honey, I'm the distraction. I'll be perfectly fine, just do as I said," Talia demanded, beginning to walk in but suddenly stopping. "Jace, feel free to go in before me. Couldn't care less if you got hurt," she joked.

"I hope you trip on your way down," he retorted, the girl chuckling as she headed inside.

"Hmm, what are the chances they're all in this room?" Talia spotted multiple doors lining the wall. She opened the one closest to her and found no one there. "Didn't think it'd be that easy," she sighed. She went quiet, trying to listen out for any noise. She could hear faint footsteps, following the noise down the corridor. She saw a guy in a suit but he had yet to notice her. He opened up a door, walking into the room. "Bingo."

Talia began to use her illusion powers to dress herself as the epitome of lust, her long brown curls left out with a short white dress on, the neck dipping low enough to show off her cleavage and the skirt high enough to just about tease her undergarments.

She headed to the door, opening it up. She was met with a room full of boys, only a couple of girls in the room and all of them had been on alert when they heard the door opening. They hissed, baring their teeth until they saw the way Talia innocently batted her lashes.

"Oh boys, help a girl out. I seem to be lost," she spoke, her voice raspy as she walked closer, slowly with her hips swaying. She wanted the innocent look as it appealed to men more.

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