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Isabelle sat in her room, her hair dryer in hand as she mindlessly aimed it at her wet hair. She had just gotten out of the shower but she spent the entire time thinking about her and Talia's relationship. Even now she still thought about it.

Talia was in the room directly across hers and she wanted to go in there and talk to the girl. Establish what they were to each other, what they could be. But that would be difficult as she knew the girl was closed off and talking about her feelings was difficult for her.

Her hair was dry now and she turned it off, sitting down on the chair as she was still lost in thought.

She just had to ask to talk about their conversation that day in Magnus' room and then ask if she really meant everything. If she liked Isabelle because Isabelle certainly liked her back. She had to ask whether they could be something more.

But she knew Talia and Talia ran. She ran from her emotions and Isabelle was scared that if she asked this question then the girl would close herself off again and it'd make it more difficult to get her to open up.

But mostly, she was scared that Talia might close herself off to a point where she'd say a relationship was not the best idea. And that would hurt Isabelle and she was scared about that.

Her thoughts were long forgotten when she heard the hushed voices of her parents nearing. Curiously she decided she wanted to get closer to hear what they were saying, rising from the chair and walking closer to the slightly ajar door so she could hear better.

"It's not like Isabelle can do it." Her mother's use of her name further piqued her curiosity.

"You're too hard on her," her father defended. She had always preferred her father, as bad as it was. He was there for her, he was nice to her.

"And you're too soft on her," Maryse retorted. "It has to be Alec, he'll adapt."

"Adapt to what?" She pushed the door open, making herself known to the two. She knew she wouldn't get answers unless she asked.

"It's not your concern," her mother turned to her, hands on hips with that mother's intimidation gleaming in her eyes to dare Isabelle to ask any further.

"Maryse, this is a family decision!" Robert turned to his wife, clearly disagreeing as he thought his daughter had a right to know.

"This is our only option, get on board Robert," she spat in his face before walking off, the click of her heels sounding through the corridor.

"She's been like that all day, what's going on?" Isabelle asked, demanding answers. She turned to walk in her room, her father following so they could have more privacy.

He smiled at her, handing her a wrapped gift. Isabelle's eyes lit up as she looked at it, then at him, taking it in her hands with a gleeful smile. She rushed towards her bed, unfolding each fold as her father watched her with his own happiness.

"You know, ever since you were little this has been my favourite part of coming home," he told her.

"Why?" Isabelle turned to look at him momentarily, before distracting herself with the gift once more.

"Just to see your face like that," he smiled at his daughter.

Isabelle had gotten the wrapping off, seeing that the gift was a leather book. The first page read 'Idris cookbook' and she was aware of what was said about her cooking.

"Are you tryna tell me something," she chuckled as she flipped through the pages of 'common recipes'.

"No, not at all!" he leaned closer to her. "You're perfect."

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