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Talia slammed her door shut, hands ruffled in her hair as she began to pace around her bedroom in frustration.

There was no way that she had just bumped into Isabelle Lightwood. And she was friends with Jace?

She stopped pacing, sitting down on her bed as she began to sort through her thoughts.

Izzy must hate her.

It was very likely after their past and Talia knew she was at fault.

She remembered when she met Izzy, the girls were probably around 10 or 11 then. Izzy was injured from sneaking out on a mission she wasn't approved for. She thought she was completely prepared, and from the sound of it, it seemed like she was doing well. That was until her brother, who was authorised for this mission, had caught sight of her and pushed her aside which had caught her off guard and left her momentarily vulnerable and so she had a large gash on her knee.

When she had gotten back to the institute, her mother had scolded her relentlessly, having heard what had happened.

She had ran off, ignoring the pain shooting through her leg. She wanted peace and thought she had found it as she laid near a tree near a stream of water.

That's how Talia had found the crying girl.

Talia often came to the area. It was peaceful as there wasn't as much water as there was in the main areas that Siren's would be caught.

"Hey." She had concealed her tail as she exited the water, now looking completely human with her wings concealed behind her back.

"Who are you?" Izzy asked through her tears. She was startled to hear another voice, but rushed to wipe the tears. When her eyes made contact with the girl, her worries were suddenly all forgotten about.

This girl was absolutely breathtaking. Her wavy, brunette curls with streaks of gold seemed somewhat damp, a few braids dangling within. A dainty headpiece decorated with tear drop gems adorned her head. Her dress was a shade of a sea-like green, with hints of blue shining through held by a single strap at her shoulder and it clung to her slightly tan skin, dangling off with a trim of seaweed-like patterns. She had piercing emerald eyes that stood out the most to Izzy.

"You're in my territory. I feel like I should be asking you that." Though the girl's words seemed like they should have held malice, it was nothing shy of soft and sweet, and Izzy felt comfortable as the girl sat beside her. "You're hurt," she pointed out.

"It's nothing, and I wasn't aware you could claim woodland areas." Izzy's tone matched the other girl's, albeit a bit more teasing.

"Well no one else usually comes here," Talia began, her hand outstretched, hovering above the wound on Izzy's leg. "So I don't expect anyone here." A light blue aura emanated from the girl's hands and Izzy suddenly felt fear filling her as she froze.

"I can feel your fear. Relax, you're safe. I'd only be hurting you right now if you came a couple hours later." Her smile was reassuring to Izzy and she felt like she had no choice but to give in. She trusted this girl, oddly enough, and when her hand had moved away Izzy no longer felt pain. The wound was gone, healed. "I nap for a bit up here," she clarified, seeing Isabelle's confusion.

"You're... a downworlder," Izzy stuttered out. She knew she should be scared, she'd been taught that downworlders were evil. They had demon blood running within them, how could they not be? But this girl seemed far from evil, helping a girl she hardly knew.

"And you're a shadowhunter judging by that rune on your chest." A faint tint of blush covered Izzy's face at that. "Which begs the question of why you didn't just use a healing rune."

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