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Jace and Clary went ahead towards the City of Bones whilst Alec had decided to scour the perimeter. Simon was forced to stay away, having been told that he'd be killed if he entered and Izzy had opted to stay with Simon to protect him. That meant Talia was there too.

"They're getting to be quite the team," Isabelle leaned into Simon, smirking. She was just teasing but it was funny to see his and Jace's hatred for one another, most likely sprouting from their feelings for the red head. Talia most definitely agreed with this. "Quite amusing."

"Not really," Simon wasted no time denying it.

"You think?" Talia raised a brow, joining on the teasing.

"I do." Talia noticed the boy had began to shiver slightly. She moved around to grab some wood, throwing it together as she began to attempt to create a fire using the friction from some of the bark.

"What's wrong heart eyes?" she asked, Simon's eyes widening at the nickname. "I'm assuming you not being Jace's biggest fan has something to do with your virgin energy?" she finished as she proudly looked at the fire she had made. Izzy's eyes widened, not expecting her to say it out loud. "What," she questioned, eyes wide as Simon  stared at her in shock and Isabelle held amusement in her eyes.

"Your powers tell you if someone's a virgin?" Simon asked, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

"No, but I took a guess and you just told me yourself. Saving yourself for a certain red head?" Talia wiggled her eyebrows.

"No, I don't... I don't have a crush on Clary," he denied as he stuttered.

"Oh save it, I can sense people's emotions. Yours included," the girl laughed. She had forgotten that Simon wasn't aware of what she was.

"Oh please, you don't need to be able to sense emotions to see it. It's so clear," Izzy teased. She quickly turned back to Simon. "Except to Clary, don't worry."

"Wait, shadowhunters can do that?" Simon asked in disbelief. Maybe he was trying to change the topic.

"Oh, I'm not a shadow hunter," Talia mentioned. "I'm a Siren."

"What- Those exist?"

"That question's getting old now, I'm about ready to throw myself of a giant building if I get asked it again," Talia sighed.

"Did we forget to mention that she's not a shadowhunter?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah, I think I'd remember if you did." Simon felt like he was going to pass out soon, Siren's existed too? Surely he had to be dreaming.

"So you can sense people's emotions?" Talia hummed in response to the question.

"I can sense them, manipulate them, hypnotise people. The like," Talia paused. "But I don't use my emotional manipulation ability much, it feels inhumane. And I'm also not telling you what anyone else feels." She had a feeling Simon might inquire if Clary likes Jace or not. Or if she liked him.

"So you can sense what everyone's feeling?"

"You got it, except for Isabelle. I prefer not to use my abilities on her." Izzy's past question was answered and she now knew Talia didn't know of her feelings.

"Yeah just because I'm her favourite," Izzy winked.

"Think again," she scoffed. "I much prefer my illiterate brothers in there."

"You don't even know their names."


"Well do you know if people have had a crush on you then?" The curious boy asked, interrupting the girls.

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