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Talia did as told, Isabelle closing the door behind the two as Talia sat on the bed in another room that looked similar to the one she had just slept in.

"You know, maybe we can talk after I have that brownie that I still haven't gotten the chance to eat," Talia suggested, standing up but deciding against it after receiving a glare from Isabelle.

"You can eat it later," Isabelle said, leaning against the door with one of her feet holding it shut, arms crossed against her chest. She decided it was time for answers.

"But Izzy I'm going to starve to death," Talia pouted. She truly wished that was going to be her fate right now, as Isabelle shot her a knowing look. Isabelle ignored this and a silence had enveloped the two as they gathered their thoughts.

"You looked beautiful tonight." Talia was the first to break the silence. The two girls both knew this was something she meant truly and it wasn't meant to be a topic change of any sort. Talia had just been keeping it in all night.

"You as well." She breathed out a sigh, having gathered her thoughts as best as possible. "I'm not even sure where to begin," she sighed as she pushed herself off the door. "First of all, are you really okay?"

"I'm back to normal Isabelle, don't worry," Talia promised, leaning back with her hands holding her up.

"Then what were those pills Magnus gave you for?" she asked, sitting beside the girl.

"It's nothing." The two girls were sick of hearing that excuse now. Talia always did hate keeping things from Isabelle but she couldn't bear the thought of her finding out her secret and looking at her any differently. But she thought she'd tell her as much as she could.

"It's not nothing, you've not been sleeping either," Isabelle noticed the bags forming under the girl's eyes but had decided to not mention it until Talia had said that she hadn't slept two nights now.

"Sometimes I get these pains. They keep me up at night and the pills help with those. They're not regular pain killers so I have to come to Magnus for these when my pills run out," she admitted, a sigh escaping her lips.

"So this is a common occurrence?" she inferred, her brows scrunched up as she studied Talia for any signs of hurt.

"Yes. I ignore it during the day but when it becomes night I'm left to my thoughts and I can't help but feel it."

"It happens during the day too? Are you in pain now?" Isabelle was horrified to learn this.

"No, I'm ignoring it. I haven't had the chance to have medicine yet but I'll have it when we're done here," she sat straight up, nervously playing with her fingers.

"Let me know if you need anything, I'm here to help." Talia felt her hands be taken, stopping her fidgeting as her eyes met caramel brown. "Whatever you need."

"Thank you," her lips curled slightly at the gesture but it truly meant so much to her.

"Do you like girls?" Isabelle blurted out, Talia's eyes widening at the abruptness. "Sorry, at the rave. You were with a girl."

"Oh, her. I don't know her name," Talia chuckled, not really knowing why she felt the need to say that, and Isabelle wouldn't admit the relief she felt for that. It meant she wasn't important enough to Talia for her to have to remember a name. Instead, amusement shone in her eyes. "Yes, I've been bi for as long as I can remember."

"I didn't know that," Isabelle admitted. "You saw me tonight, didn't you." She was referring to the rave, each time Talia had walked in a completely opposite direction.

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