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"Hey losers," Talia nodded her head in greeting, being enveloped in a hug from Isabelle, one hand stretched away from Izzy as it held onto her cake. She was quick to notice that there was a new addition to the group, one that was definitely a mundane. "And who's this?" she asked.

"Oh that's Clary's mundane friend, Simon," Isabelle turned to follow her gaze, figuring out who she was talking about.

"Oh like Alvin and the Chipmunks?" she watched as the boys eyes widened. "You've watched that? I didn't think any of you guys knew what a tv was."

"Are you calling me old?" she asked, eyebrow raised as Simon began to stutter in his defence. "I'm playing with you, I'm Talia." She walked over, accepting the hand he had outstretched in preparation for a handshake, only to have his knuckles receive a gentle kiss. She glanced up, still holding onto his hand and she slowly let it slip from her grasp. She smirked as she noticed the faint blush covering his cheeks. So easy when it came to mundane boys.

"Hi," he managed to get out, causing her to giggle.

"Okay, if everyone's done can we go now?" Clary spoke up, beginning to panic about the time it would take and what could happen to her friend in that time.

"Yeah, lead the way," Jace spoke to Clary, trying to avoid speaking to Simon as much as possible.

"Is that cake?" Isabelle had noticed a while ago and had been debating whether or not to ask. The girl just hummed in confirmation. "Like, you're eating a whole quarter of a cake right now?" Isabelle asked in astonishment.

"Half," she corrected. "I had the other quarter whilst I was waiting for you guys,"

"Oh..." Isabelle was slightly shocked, she had began chuckling at the girls antics whilst shaking her head. "Well can I have some."

"I don't have enough to share so no Isabelle," the girl continued to dig into her cake. Isabelle was about to protest how false that statement was but decided against it as she knew it was a losing argument.

"Don't fight her in it," Jace advised Isabelle, further solidifying Isabelle's idea on this.

"Wasn't thinking of it."

Simon walked to the front of the group beside Clary, leading the way to his van.

"Is everyone here so... good looking?" Simon whispered.

"That's exactly what I said," Clary sighed back.


Talia glanced around the van, noting that Isabelle had taken the two spare seats and sat awkwardly on them to make it difficult for another person to sit there. She had planned to tease Talia on it before she moved up but her plan fell through when Talia found another empty seat.

"Talia, move," a voice spoke, Jace entering behind her.

"What? No, I was sat here first," she frowned.

"Sit next to Izzy," Jace suggested, though he noticed what his sister was doing.

"She's literally hogging," she turned to make eye contact with Isabelle at this, causing the girl to laugh. "Two seats, you go sit next to her."

"I'd rather sit near the front," Jace reasoned, and Talia realised why.

"No, you'd rather sit next to Clary," she gasped, Jace's eyes widening as he denied it. Thankfully for him, Clary hadn't heard as Talia had whispered the sentence.

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