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"Are you sure you don't hate me?" It had been silent for some time as the two girl's waited for the unconscious girl to wake up and Talia had taken this time to think things over. "Because I'd understand if you did."

"You had your reasons Talia, stop it." Izzy hated that the girl was expecting things to go wrong with their friendship. Izzy wanted to repair everything as soon as possible, and she could never hate Talia.

"I did but I could have visited," Talia reasoned. Izzy pushed herself off of the wall she was leaning on, walking closer to the girl as she kneeled down, holding onto both of Talia's hands.

"You could have, but you didn't. That's in the past, I really do forgive you. Stop hating yourself for it because I certainly don't hate you."

"I just... I really do care what you think of me. I always have."

"You've always cared what people think of you," Izzy chuckled. She knew the girl was conscious what people thought of her so long as they didn't set off a bad first impression themselves.

"But you especially Izzy, you've always meant so much to me," Talia admitted, but she felt like her actions hadn't shown this.

"You mean a lot to me too. You're back in my life now and I'll do everything to ensure it stays that way Talia-"

"So will I," Talia interrupted.

"Then spend as much time as possible with me. Now if you bring this up again I will throw you in the bin," Izzy giggled, the other girl laughing in response as Izzy rose to stand.

"You wouldn't."

"I just might," Izzy spoke in response.

She turned around, noticing the girl was beginning to wake up. She made her way to the foot of the bed, not wanting the girl to wake up and see nobody.

Talia watched as the mundane had began to regain consciousness. She shuffled around, her hand moving to her necklace which began to glow a shade of purple.

The girl quickly shot up, her head colliding with Izzy who was watching over her intently.

"Ow." Izzy accepted that that was partially her fault, a smile on her face to reassure the girl that she didn't blame her.

"Wait, I don't know who you-" the girl trailed off, Izzy being quick to interrupt her.

"I'm Isabelle," the shadowhunter introduced. "I've never seen Jace so... curious by a mundane, or distracted. In our line of work, distraction is dangerous," Izzy confessed.

"Who's Jace?" Talia tilted her head at this. Jace didn't bother to introduce himself after saving her?

"You really don't know much do you," Isabelle teased the girl. Her walls had shot up immediately, defensively responding.

"All I know is that some psychos took my mom." Clary's memories had came rushing back to her quickly. "And you guys have taken me."

"And by 'taken', I assume you mean saved your life," Isabelle stressed the last part, but her tone remained light and gentle.

"Ease up Iz, she doesn't know where we are," Talia spoke up, a chuckle escaping her lips. This drew Clary's attention to the other presence in the room. She hadn't bothered to speak before as she didn't often enjoy speaking to people first, worried as to what they would think of her. Her confidence only existed with those who she'd never see again; people who she didn't have to make an impression on.

"And... who are you?" Talia stood up from the chair in the corner, making her way towards the girl.

"Question of the week," she mumbled. "Talia Orlov." She smiled, her tone meek and soft. "Pleasure to meet you," she added.

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