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"This is the least revealing thing you have?" Clary was changing her outfits once again, having to borrow Izzy's clothes much to her dismay.

"What?" Izzy let out a chuckle. "All the naughty bits are covered. A bit too much in my opinion," she winked.

"So where's Simon?" Clary hadn't seen him in a while and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried about his whereabouts, especially given the wake up call she'd been given about the world. The shadow world, to be precise.

"Who?" Izzy watched as Clary's eyes widened in alarm, laughing at the reaction. "Kidding, he's in good hands with the boys." This relaxed Clary, allowing her to breathe for a second.

"So... you, Jace, and Alec are what, like... family?" Clary enquired, trying to be discreet about her actual question.

"You wanna know if Jace and I are a thing." Izzy saw right through her, watching as the girl heated up from embarrassment by this.

"No, why would I care?" she defended.

"Because you do. Don't worry, in every way Jace is like my brother. Our parents took him in when he was 10. We trained together, learned to fight side by side," Izzy reassured. The news relieved Clary and she wouldn't admit why.

"A few days ago all I had to worry about was getting a place in art school and now..." Clary sighed. In a matter of hours her whole world had been flipped on its side.

"Is this the part where I give you a pep talk about harnessing your inner shadowhunter," Izzy really did not feel like she was up for that task and Clary must have sensed this.

"Was that the pep talk?" she asked, eyebrow raised teasingly.

"Basically," Izzy chuckled in response. "Something tells me that this is more up Talia's lane."

"Talia, what's up with that by the way?" Clary asked. "I mean, she told me you guys knew each other like ages ago," she clarified.

"It's a long story really." The girl had panicked when Clary asked her questions, thinking that her resurfacing feelings were extremely evident and that's what she had been asking about.

"Go ahead, I have a feeling we have some time until everyone's ready to leave if your brother's seriously take this long." Clary figured she could tell her story and then finish it off whenever she wanted.

"Well we met when we were really young, she found me a bit upset and calmed me down. Since then we met every night because we both had to sneak out since our parents would never allow a downworlder and a shadowhunter to be friends. It was just one night she went back home and..." Izzy paused. Was this really her place to say? It was a sensitive topic and she hardly knew how to go about it. "Lets just say her whole world was taken from her so she had to run away to seek help and I never saw her again until the night we met." Izzy threw a teasing punch at Clary's shoulder.

"That's... awful. Poor her." Clary had managed to read between the lines and knew what Izzy meant. It was something Clary could never imagine. If anything happened to Simon, she felt she'd be suffering a similar fate and that scared her to no ends. Simon was the only thing she had left right now and she needed to make sure he stayed safe.

"Yeah, guess it wasn't as long of a story as I thought it'd be." Izzy clapped her hands together, rising to her feet. "How about we go find the others?"

"Why don't you invite her to come with us?" Clary asked. She could use as much help as she could get when it came to this new world and it gave Izzy a better chance to reunite with her.

"Not a bad idea, I'll ask her but if she's still anything like I remember then she sleeps very late so she might not see the message." Izzy pulled out her phone, leading the way out of her room and to the boys. She hoped they were ready to go because someone's life was at stake here.

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