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When Talia's eyes had fluttered open, she noted that she was alone. She was no longer laying comfortably on someone's lap, she was instead laying comfortably on the sea of white, yet blood stained, satin sheets.

"That's vile," she quickly shot up when she noticed the blood she was sitting near. Isabelle had gone and that was the start to her awful night. It was still night judging on the dim lighting on the room from the chandelier over-head.

That meant she hadn't been asleep for long.

She threw the covers aside, deciding she'd change the sheets for Magnus when she had figured out where he, amongst the others, had gone.

She moved her hands to straighten her dress out, feeling the tear and seeing the blood coating it as she glanced down.

"Stupid Circle members, this dress was cute," she frowned, her hatred for these men growing. She wanted to change out of the bloody outfit but she couldn't as she had no clothes around so she had to wander Magnus' halls with her torn dress.

The only thing she could do was flatten out her hair with her hands.

It wasn't hard to find the rest of the group, they were all talking loud enough, once she had taken the right set of stairs, for her to figure out which door to go through.

"Why does it look like you guys are starting a cult," she slowly asked, eyebrows raised as she walked into the room in confusion. They were all stood, gathered in a circle with a drawing on the ground that looked as though they were about to sell their souls to the devil.

"Talia?" Clary was the first to speak, as they all turned their heads to face her. Talia gave a small wave in concern.

"Hey, you're up. Nice to see you," Jace smiled at her.

"Talia, you're still injured. Get back to bed," Izzy's voice was stern as she hoped for the girl to get far away from whatever was happening here.

"Oh I'm fine. So is somebody going to explain what you guys are doing?" she asked, hopeful. She noticed the drawing of the pentagram on the floor, each person stood at one end of the shape.

"We're summoning the memory demon, isn't it obvious pumpkin?" Magnus shrugged, not realising how bizarre that sounded to someone who hadn't been here from the start.

"What, why?" her eyes widened in shock. "Isn't that, like, really dangerous."

"Clary's memories got fed to a memory demon so we're trying to get them back," Alec explained, wanting to get a move on on the process.

"There isn't any space on the circle so you're going to have to stand back cupcake," Magnus told the girl. Talia stepped back, hands in the air as she gave in quickly.

One by one, the group all clasped hands yet each were hesitant. Magnus had taken Alec's hand, Alex taking Jace's, Jace taking Clary's. Clary's hand reached out to take Isabelle's.

"You people are pathetic," she scoffed, holding onto Clary's hand and completing the circle, each person's body jolting as the bond was initiated.

"I will lead the ceremony and you all will do as I say. The demon's name is Valak and at some point he will ask for payment in exchange for the memories," Magnus explained, wanting the situation to go as smoothly as possible.

"What do you mean, what kind of payment," Jace asked. There was concern evident in the way he looked at Magnus when asking this.

"We'll see," Magnus shrugged, as if it were no big deal. "Let us begin."

Magnus' eyes squeezed shut as he began to speak words that no one surrounding him understood, words from Chthonian; a language only warlocks and demons understood completely.

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