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The three girls had been walking around the institute, Talia was not sure what they were actually doing or looking for. Right now, they were discussing Alec and the two had filled Talia in on what happened. She wasn't willing to pick a side on this because Alec was a practical man, if he believed the portal shard was a threat then it most likely was, especially if Valentine could communicate to Clary with it. But at the same time it was all Clary had of her mother right now and she had every right to be upset.

"So Alec flew right by you and did what you wanted? I'd be angry too," Isabelle justified her friends emotions.

"He took the only way I had to see my mother, plus he kept asking about what Valentine's room looked like," Clary was ranting about the situation to her two new friends and they were listening intently.

"He's interested in Valentine's style? Fascinating," Isabelle mused.

"Didn't know his type was psychopaths. Such a shame, Magnus had his eyes set on him." Talia remembered the way her friend had spoken about and looked at Alec, making no effort to hide his infatuation with the boy. She thought that infatuation may have a chance to become actual feelings.

"No, he thought I might have seen something that could help us find him," Clary shut down their teasing, bringing back the serious tone of the conversation as the girls waited for the elevator to arrive.

"Did you?"

"I didn't see anything there but..." Clary looked at the two with a serious expression as she thought about different ways to save her mother. "I think I might know a way."

As she finished saying that, Talia's head spun ahead of them as she heard a noise. She saw one of the two sets of doors open up, purple emanating from it like portals she had seen before, as a stern, commanding woman walked out who looked ready for business.

Talia noticed how this woman held a resemblance to Izzy, minus the carefree nature that Talia loved so much about her friend.

"Isabelle," the woman spoke, approaching the girls. From the corner of her eyes, Talia noticed Isabelle straighten up as the woman eyed her up and down. "Dressed to impress I see. And you've been playing with the family heirlooms." She let out a sigh, gesturing to the ruby necklace that sat on Isabelle's neck which was gifted to her by Magnus.

Isabelle had began to pull her dress down, the revealing style suddenly too uncomfortable for her. She felt a hand on hers, effectively stopping her actions, she looked up, meeting Talia's piteous gaze which silently told her to be herself. She held onto Talia's hand, recieving a comforting squeeze in response as she turned to look back at her mother.

"Hi, I'm Clary Fray," Clary introduced; she noted Isabelle's uncomfortableness and was trying to get the attention off of her.

"Clary Fairchild," the woman corrected, and Talia strongly believed she needed to keep quiet because who was she to tell Clary her identity? Judging Isabelle in such a manner was enough to make her want to argue the woman but she knew that was something Isabelle wouldn't want; she gathered it was the girl's mother. "You look just like your mother. We know all about you in Idris."

"Idris?" Clary questioned.

"The homeland for Shadowhunters," Talia explained.

"If you think the institute is well hidden, wait 'til you see that place," Isabelle added with a smirk, knowing how amazed Clary would be once she saw it.

"I'm sorry, who invited a downworlder into the institute?" the woman was looking at her now, a disdainful look sprawled across her face.

"She's my friend and she heard useful information on Valentine which she is sharing," Isabelle lied, knowing that the fact that she cared for the downworlder would simply not be enough.

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