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"These tunnels are swarming with shax demons. If she's down there then it's only a matter of time before they find her." Everyone was back at the institute, bar Clary and Alec- who went to find her. Jace had the entire institute on high alert, everyone worried about either where the cup was or where their friend was. "We can't let that happen."

"Surely Alec and Luke will be able to find her. If you need, I can go help," Talia offered.

"There's no need, there's enough people there already," Jace responded. He began walking down the steps and towards where the other shadowhunters were gathered. "Alright listen up! I want this entire institute on high alert, I don't care what anybody else says, I'll take full responsibility right now! Clary is the only thing that matters."

It seemed Isabelle had also noticed Clary walking in behind Jace as she had a look of relief on her face that almost matched Talia's look of glee.

"Jace!" Clary called out, heading towards him.

"Clary?" Jace asked in disbelief, turning around only to get enveloped in a hug.

"I did it," she spoke proudly, pulling back slightly to look at him whilst he continued to hold her. "I got the cup."

"I don't care about the cup," Jace smiled happily. "I care about you."

"That's so adorable," Talia spoke to Isabelle. "I kinda do wanna ask about the cup but I don't wanna ruin their moment."

"Let's save that talk for tomorrow Tali?" Isabelle spoke, linking her arms between Talia's and holding onto her hand as well. "Let them have their moment and, more importantly, let us have a moment to ourselves." She began walking towards the direction of her room, dragging Talia with her who laid her head against Isabelle's shoulder.

"Did something special happen?" Talia asked, confused at the need for affection.

"Is you being my lover not enough?" Isabelle asked, Talia chuckling.

"Of course not," she responded. "But that surely has a nice ring to it."

They arrived outside her room, Isabelle separating from her grasp so she could open the door, the girl's heading inside.

"Haven't been able to stop thinking about you," Isabelle smiled, turning around to take her in.


"It's difficult not being so close to you all the time. I just want to keep making out."

"We already did today, love," Talia chuckled, walking closer towards her so there was a mere couple inches between them.

"Why can't we stay making out?" Isabelle asked.

"Oxygen," Talia shrugged.

"I'd die happily if it was against your lips."

"And leave me here unhappy? I don't think so gorgeous."

"I'm liking these pet names and I'd never leave you," her breath was hitting Talia's lips now.

"We're alone so you can kiss me now."

"And that I shall." Isabelle's lips met Talia's in a soft, loving liplock. Her arms hung around her shoulders, Talia's on Isabelle's face, but slowly the kiss got more heated, Isabelle's hands wandering lower and closer to grasp onto Talia's hips.

A pain had stricken Talia but she managed to ignore it as best as possible as she deepened the kiss. She had done a good job at ignoring the pains as Isabelle clearly hadn't noticed anything.

The girl, in question, began moving backwards until her feet hit the bed, never breaking the liplock forcing Talia to move backwards as well. Talia flipped the two girls before sitting down, Isabelle straddling her as her hands moved to tangle in her hair and slowly made its way down.

She allowed her hands to explore underneath Talia's top until Talia had effectively stopped the kiss. She felt another, sharper pain but having been used to it, she didn't allow it to show but she knew she had to get to her own privacy asap and she couldn't allow this to go any further.

"Is everything okay?" Isabelle looked at her confused, brows scrunched up with slight concern gleaming on her face.

"Everything's fine," she responded, but she saw how worried Isabelle looked as she got off her lap and sat beside her. "I think I need to go home though."

"Why, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just... remembered something." It wasn't a lie.

"And you need to be home for it? It's the weekend and I checked your schedule and your manager gave you a week off so you have a couple days 'til you go back," Isabelle frowned.

"I know, it's not work it's just..." she saw how scared Isabelle looked. Maybe that Talia would leave again and she couldn't do that to her. One more day would be fine, then in the morning they could talk normally to show Isabelle was not around fault and then she could go home for the rest of the week. "I'm just in pain and I wanna lie down."

"Headache? You can lay down here though, I have painkillers and I'll give you one."

"Painkillers don't always work, I have some at home which I'll need to get but I'll take one and stay the night and if I'm still in pain tomorrow, I'll go then. How's that?" She was happy when she saw Isabelle smile slightly, happy that she'd agreed.

Though she had said she wanted Talia to stay for her safety, the bigger reason was more selfish. She wanted to spend more time with Talia and she could do that if they were sleeping close to one another.

"That's okay, here I'll go grab it and some water and bring it to your room. You get comfy and lay down."

"Thank you Izzy."

Talia stood up slowly, careful to not cause herself any dizzy spells, before she made her way to her room. Though somehow, as soon as her head hit her pillow she had fallen asleep without the need for painkillers, which was somewhat worrying considering the pain usually makes it harder to sleep. But Isabelle saw the girl was fast asleep and had simply left the medication and a glass of water on the bedside table, watching the rise and falls of her chest as she wondered what was truly going on. Maybe she'd ask in the morning but for now it was time for her herself to get some rest and, though she debated sleeping beside Talia, she wasn't sure if Talia was comfortable with that considering how she didn't just sleep in Isabelle's room, so she kissed her goodnight on the temple before leaving quietly, leaving the door slightly ajar as she knew the girl liked it.



That's all the girl felt when she woke up and she couldn't help but let out a blood curdling scream before she had time to process what was happening. She regretted it immediately because she knew it was about to draw attention to her but all she could focus on was the blood staining her white cotton sheets.

Talia quickly pulled herself up as best as she could, limping towards the door as she bit her lip to suppress the screams that threatened to escape her, drawing blood in the process but she didn't have time to care. She shut the door and locked it, one barrier in place, before she ran in the direction of the bathroom, locking that door too.

She threw her hands out, ready to create a portal so she could make her exit.

One last night. If she could have just lasted one more night then everything would be fine. It was a day too early for her and she was stupid for not being more prepared.

And now Isabelle had woken up to the sound of a familiar scream and she was filled with her own fears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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