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The group of shadow-hunters had reached the downworlder rave. Isabelle was dressed in a white sequinned dress that ended just above her thigh, with straps holding it up. To compliment it was a diamond headpiece and Magnus' ruby necklace lay around her neck as she played around with it.

Her and Alec were sent to be lookout duty as Clary and Jace went to go confront Magnus.

As Isabelle made her way around the club, scouring the people there for any potential threats, she thought she had caught glimpse of a familiar face.

She knew it was definitely Talia when she had caught sight of her again, but this time Talia noticed her too and was quick to move away as if avoiding Izzy which served to further confuse the girl. She began to recap their interactions, wondering what she had done wrong.

Talia had also noticed Isabelle and had to work to avoid her.

What the hell was Isabelle, a shadowhunter, doing at a downworlder rave. Emphasis on the word downworlder.

She didn't have time to find Magnus when she had entered as her looks had already attracted a couple of people, a Seelie girl shooting her shot as she began flirting with Talia.

She had picked out a short black dress that showed off her thighs, the neck dipping low to show off her cleavage with mesh just above it that reach down to her wrists. She went with a toffee coloured lipstick and lipliner, multiple silver chains and bracelets on one wrist and a watch on the other, as well as a couple of silver necklaces adorning her neck. She put in a couple of small teardrop earrings and curled her hair with a few braids pulled back.

She played hard to get, before offering the girl a dance. When the girl, whose name she hadn't bothered to learn, had offered to get her a drink, she accepted. She took this time to scour her surroundings for Magnus and when her eyes landed on him, she suddenly decided she no longer needed the pills.

Unfortunately for her, he had noticed her and had called her over and Clary and Jace, whom he was conversing with, had also turned in surprise at the mention of the familiar name.

She shot them an awkward smile as she approached, greeting the three.

"Shadowhunters, this is my friend! Talia. Talia this is Clary Fairchild and... shadowhunter I do not know," Magnus introduced.

"Talia? I didn't know you knew Magnus," Jace asked in shock.

"Oh you guys know each other! Didn't know that, anyways Talia, I have the medication you asked for cupcake," he smiled, digging into his pockets as he pulled out the small packet of painkillers. He frowned as he looked at it. "Silly me, I thought I had brought the bigger packet. These won't last you long, I'm afraid you'll have to catch me another time and I'll give you that. For now, these will do." He handed them over to her as she took them nervously.

"Medication? What for, are you okay Talia?" Clary asked with concern lacing her tone.

"Oh, never mind that!" Magnus spoke, wanting to avert the attention. As far as he was aware, not many knew of her predicament and so he was trying to save her from having to get out of this. "Anyways, as I was saying, show me the jewellery."

Isabelle was watching the scene from where she was hidden. She knew she had a right to be concerned, something was clearly wrong with Talia for her to be seeking medication from a warlock.

She didn't even know Talia knew Magnus but it suddenly made sense why she was in this club.

Or maybe she had other reasons to be here and those reasons became evident when she saw a girl approach Talia, drink in hand, as she leaned close to the girl's ear.

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