Chapter 35- Payment Day

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Becky's pov

"You're thinking about her again, aren't you?" Zane has always loved inflicting pain on others, but none more than me.

Unfortunately, once he healed, Kreed needed time to rest, so this asshole was once again in the drivers seat. At first, he started pleading with me to let him go. Untie him, distract the guards, and help him escape. Then came the threats. He would kill me, my family, and all those who I loved.

When that was finally over, he moved on to torturing me with the fact that he took my best friend, Jess, up to the boot camp on Saturday night, and she was used to attack one of the packs. He went into great detail about what the drug they used did. How the werewolves were forced into shifting, then becoming mindless killers.

I've tried my best to ignore him, but the more details he gave me about what they did, the harder it was to compose myself. I gave up yelling at him to shut his mouth long ago. However, silent tears still made their way down my cheeks, dripping onto my light pink cotton t-shirt.

Why I never saw this snake for what he really was baffles me. All the signs were there. His indifferance to other's feelings. His sense of entitlelment. The way he used females then discarded them faster than it took them to give him a poorly executed blow job. His words, not mine.

All along, the signs were there, but I somehow believed there was good in him. Or maybe I was too afraid to admit that I made a mistake in falling for him. By the time I was good and pissed off, ready to leave him, Kreed had fallen for me, and the rest is history. It's a very short history since it's only been a couple of months.

I wipe the newest tears off my face, then turn to face him. He was strapped down onto a medical bed. Steel rails and all. He was only able to move his hands and feet a few inches, but his mouth had free reign. Lucky me.

"Actually, I was thinking that it'll be nice to be rid of you." My hands are clenched into tight fists, with my nails digging into my palms, cutting the skin ever so slightly. Why was I still sitting here, letting him get on my last nerve?

"Do you know why I chose you to be my plaything?" He smirks at me, then twists his wrists, trying to free them from the cuffs. "It's because you're gullible. You believed every lie I've ever fed you and kept coming back for more."

I stand up and start pacing around the room. Hopefully, Azariah keeps her word and comes today so we can get this whole thing over with. One way or another, I needed this to end.

The thought of Kreed being gone forever makes me sick to my stomach, but not as much as the thought of Zane getting to live on after he's hurt so many people. I'll admit, the thought of Kreed having Zane's voice scares me, I just hope that in time, I'll grow accustomed to it.

"If I'm gullible for holding out hope that you could be a decent person, then fine. I'm gullible. It's better than being a good for nothing piece of shit who hurts others just for fun." I stop at the end of the bed, and stare into his eyes, so he knows how much I hate his fucking guts.

"Power. I did it for power, not for fun. There is a difference love."

I roll my eyes dramatically at him. "Oh I'm sorry, that makes it so much better."

"You know why else your gullible? Because you actually believe that they can get rid of me, and Kreed will live on. Can you honestly look at me and say that when they inject that shit into me, and I'm still the one here afterwards, that you'll be good with letting them kill me? How can you be a hundred percent sure that Kreed will really be gone?" He's gone back to playing the guilt card. Not the first time in the last two days.

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