Chapter 51- And So It Begins

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                        Micah’s pov

I’m the first to arrive at our security headquarters. The parking lot behind the building was empty, except for my truck. Which is just how I wanted it.

Before my team, and the other two packs arrived, I needed a few minutes alone. The story Peryl told us was messing with my head. And not the one about the twins either. 

After story time, Jace joined me outside for a drink, where we tried to wrap our minds around everything she said. If it’s true, then my bloodline was the original Alpha’s of all werewolves. More importantly, the only Alpha’s the Goddess appointed herself. The others basically jumped ship, and declared themselves Alpha’s. Although, why Selena went along with it and gave them strong wolves, we have no clue. Peryl didn’t know, which means, neither did we.

Still, the weight of knowing I was in charge of the first pack created was playing with my mind. The pressure I felt beforehand was minimal compared to what I felt currently. 

I pace around the parking lot, kicking the occasional stone towards my truck's tires. I don’t know why this simple act feels good, but it does. The little ting sound it makes as it hits my rim is like music in my ears. This is something I have control of. The direction of the stone, how hard I kick it, and which one to kick. 

It was all within my control.

It was the only fucking thing I could control. I have no clue how tonight will play out. Who will come out on top. Who will return home with me. Or if I’ll even return home myself. 

All the important decisions were made, now it was time to put our plan into motion. Amber was set up in the big dining room with her laptop, Azariah’s laptop, and Noah and Ryan who will take turns shifting so they can communicate with her. 

She has Ambersy and Snowmoon’s contact list, so should we fail, the alert will be sent out. We agreed to not evacuate the packs, but instead we put together a back up team, kinda like the one Matias was going to lead. He was still going to lead one, but with Beta Josh and Jaxon as well. Should we fail, they’ll be our pack's last hope. 

If we all fail, the other packs will seek refuge with mine. Jace suggested that Talon, one of our top warriors, stays home, in case it comes down to it. Talon was an excellent fighter, I’m just not sure how successful he’ll be without an army of his own. He’ll have people here to fight with, but it wouldn’t be much. Most likely, not enough.

I can’t let my thoughts take me down this path. The fact was, we were going to win. There was no other way for this to turn out. Amber and my pups were depending on it. I can’t let myself think about what will happen to them if we lose.

We won’t lose. End of story.

As I select my next stone, something about the look in Jace’s eyes comes back to me. When we had our little one on one outside, he seemed distant. He hardly looked at me, instead focusing on the lake. Was it the story about the twins, or something more? Could he  possibly be feeling the burden of having so many lives at risk if we lose. The weight on his shoulders is just as much as what is on mine. Hell, maybe more.

He was the golden boy after all.

Perhaps instead of Talon, I should leave him here in charge of the pack in my absence. I let this train of thought go right through my head. We couldn’t change things now. Not only was there no time, but one small change will have a ripple effect. Besides, I hate to admit it, but we needed him on the front lines. His blended form was perfect for keeping in contact with Amber, and henceforth Azariah and Talon. There’s only so many shifts one wolf could do before they’re no longer able to. With Jace, that wasn’t going to be an issue. Also, he’s the best fighter we have, and unfortunately that includes myself. Not that I’ll be admitting that to anyone out loud.

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