Chapter 54- Radio Silence

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                        Azariah’s pov

The slight tingling sensation in my neck may have gone unnoticed. It was the fact that it was in my mating tattoo that brought it to my attention.

It gives me two solid pieces of information at the same time. First, my mate had been injured. Second, it wasn’t life threatening.  So far anyways. 

My pants were only halfway back up legs, so I shove them back to the ground, and attempt the world's fastest shift. I should have just listened to Ari and stayed in wolf form after contacting Jace the first time. I’m ashamed to admit that my decision was based primarily on not wanting anyone else to drive my Jeep back to our pack lands. 

Hell, I barely let Jace drive it. 

“Jess, you're driving,” I holler out to her as I toss my pants her way. Her Adler and Jared were all in human form, so communicating with them was going to be difficult. And there were only so many shifts one could do in a short span of time. 

“What’s going on?” She asks as I drop back to the ground.

“Jace is hurt. I think they were attacked.” I groan as Ari doesn’t wait for me to relay the message to her. She was just as worried about Jace and Ehron as I was. I barely manage to tell them to haul ass back to my car before she’s fully out.

“Jace!” We call out to him the second we’re able to. 

The only sound I’m met with is a crackling, like when the radio station goes out. Every few seconds there’s total silence, then back to the crackling, or white noise if you prefer. 

I try focusing to see if anybody else was out there who could hear me, but if they were trying to respond it gets lost to the only noise I can hear. 

Taking off after my team, I realize that sitting out here alone, while deaf wasn’t the best idea. Jace told me that Malcomb’s crew knew we were coming thanks to Kreed bringing family members of those who were taken. At least they wouldn’t have been completely ambushed. Surely they kept their guard up after the hostages showed up announcing they were released. 

It takes all my strength to stay with my team, and not fly past them to go find Jace. It’s the knowledge that I’d be leaving them open to attack that keeps me a few steps behind them. The entire way back to the car, I’m unable to contact anyone. Not from the team that went with Jace and Micah, and not from our pack either. We made it back in less than fifteen minutes, but it was still the longest of my life. 

What the fuck good was having a mind link, if it cuts out like a bad internet connection? Since being in wolf form was doing no good, I decide to shift back so I could try the old trusted and true cell phone. This was a reliable means of communication, as long as the person you were calling picked up. 

Once my bones realigned themselves, I quickly discover that I used up all my energy shifting twice and running. “Jess, I could use some help putting clothes on.” I call out from behind the bush. “Possibly getting to the car too.”

She hurries over with a hoodie and sweatpants and has me in them a lot faster than I’ve ever been able to dress one of my mini demons. The muscles in my legs shake uncontrollably as I try standing, and that was with her help. “Adler, I need my phone.” Realizing I sound rude, I tack on a ‘please’.

Jess basically carries me to the car, Adler hands me my phone, and Jared has the passenger's side door open. I picked a damn fine team if I do say so myself. 

They don’t waste my time asking questions. Jess jumps in and fires up the Jeep while the male’s get in the back seat. We were off and going before I could even pull up Amber’s name on my phone. There was no point in calling anyone other than the top of the chain, who also happened to be the smartest. But that goes without saying.

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