Chapter 8- Change Of Plans

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Azariah's pov

On my drive to meet Liam, I finally let out the laugh that I'd been holding in.

The look on Micah, and then Jace's faces was priceless. Both clearly didn't want me doing this, but neither said one damn word.

Micah was practically forced to accept me going tonight, or argue in front of the others. My gamble paid off, and he kept his trap shut.

Jace on the other hand came close to objecting once everyone left the ice cream party. His face turned a pretty shade of red, and his mouth did open, but nothing came out. He then busied himself cleaning up the kitchen while I ran the pups a bath.

While they were in there, Jace and I sat in the hallway and talked about what the future held for us with the abrupt new additions to our house. If he wanted to bring up what I was doing tonight, he didn't end up saying a word. Well, except to try and coerce me into sex. But that doesn't count.

There was a reason I wanted to go tonight. I needed to see what we were dealing with firsthand. It's not that I didn't trust Liam, but some things can't be conveyed with just words. I needed to feel the vibe out there if that makes sense. My gut instinct would tell me more about what we were facing if I scoped it out myself.

It feels like we're missing some important information, but what that was, I couldn't say. For Malcomb to call and make the demands he did, he must be confident that the packs will comply. And now that we've called his bluff, he's gonna need to show that he has the means to force us into compliance.

Personally, I don't think he has shit. Last night's attack was his big reveal, and I'm betting he has nothing to back it up with. At least I hope that's the case. Because otherwise, we were fucked.

By all rights, we should have suffered a much worse outcome. Like Red Dawn pack had. There was no way for Malcomb to know that we had a secret weapon that took down his bat-shit crazy army. Unless of course he has spy's here in Moonwalker pack. All of us are hoping that wasn't the case.

I pull Jace's truck in beside Liam's, then hop out. There were six of us going tonight, so we were going to separate into two trucks. Liam tosses me the kevlar vest when I approach him. Everyone else already had theirs on, so instead of pissing and moaning about it, I put mine on as well.

"Looking good Beta Lyk," Alek calls out from behind us. He joins the group and takes a minute to make small talk with us. I'm sure the reason he came out, was to go over our game plan.

Little did he know, I had a plan of my own already. One that I wasn't inclined to share until we get to our destination. Being who I was, nobody would have the balls to argue with me. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

"So Azariah, tell me what the plan is," Alek inquires.

"Two teams of three. One will go in from the west side, and one team from the east. We'll try to get an idea of how much manpower they have, plus scope out areas where the security cameras can be placed that they won't find. In and out. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy," The lie easily falls from my lips, but I keep a straight face.

"Sounds good." He then narrows his eyes at me, suspicion written all over his face. "Under no circumstance are you to engage the enemy. This mission is just to gather information, and nothing more. Am I clear?"

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