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I stood with blood in my face as I could clearly see the shocked faces of the killer and Aaran.

"You-you." Another killer shuttered his words.

"Yes, it's me. Viola Leeta. A mafia princess." I laughed as Aaran froze in shock.

"Sorry, mam. I don't k-know that."

"That you don't know, you came here to kill Mafia princess? Yaaah.." I growled.

"Please spare my life, Madam, please." He begged me.

"Tell me, who sent you?" I asked him as he spilled the truth that he came by order of my stepmother, and after getting the truth, I shot him.

"S-sister?" I looked at Aaran normally.

"Sorry, I forgot to untie you." I said that and went to untie him.


"I will explain everything later. Now go and check the security system. I have to know how many of them are here." I patted his head.

"But sister, child in your...

"Don't worry, this baby belongs to me and your brother. Nothing will happen to it." I said, and we both took guns in our hands.

I gave singal to Aaran as he went to search in the kitchen, and I went to search in the garden. I saw the footprint going to the bush.

I silently followed that footprint. Suddenly, I searched the bush, but I found none. At the same time. Someone placed a gun in my head as I slowly turned. It was Rodd.

"Come with me." He said this as I followed him. When we both entered the house, our garden looked like a graveyard in the thunderlight.

When we entered the hall, Aaran had already finished his search. He was so surprised to see Rodd. As soon as he saw Rodd, he ran towards him and hugged him. They both shared their love as I saw them with happy eyes.

"How is my daughter doing? Viola Leeta?" he asked me.

"I don't know; ask your daughter." I said this as I tried to leave, but Rodd held my hand.

"I will give thirty minutes. Tell me everything." He said this as he looked at Aaran, giving him a signal to leave the place.

"He too has to know this. So don't tell him to go." I said this as he nodded.

"As we all know, the mafia world is like a dark world that normal people won't know. I'm the famous mafia queen Leeta's daughter, Viola Leeta. Even though she killed many people with her hands, she loved a normal man, Willson Patrick. At that time, my father was struggling to improve his business. He achieved his goal with the help of my mom and his hard work. Even though she is in the mafia, she wanted to live life normally. But my father is totally unaware of my mother's background. She struggled so much to hide this from my father. When she gave birth to me, she told me everything and asked me to live a normal life. Not to enter this mafia world, but her connection didn't let her live peacefully. So I had to enter this dark world in order to relieve my mom. She may be a killer and mafia queen for others. But to me, she is my angel and mother." While I saying my past. I heard the gunshot. Before anyone could react, I started to shoot unconsciously.

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